

Distribution-level Clearing Model of Gas-Electricity Integrated Energy System Considering Distributed Resource Trading



As a large number of distributed energy devices are integrated into the distribution network and gradually participate in distributed tradings,the distribution network operation is developing towards distributed and interactive directions,showing a more flexible and ever-changing trend.In recent years,the stand-alone operation mode can no longer meet the boundary matching requirements because of the rapid development of integrated energy systems and the deepening degree of coupling between the power system and the natural gas system at the distribution network level.This paper designs a centralized trading market mode on the distribution network side that considers the participation of distributed resources,and establishes trading models of distributed photovoltaics,distributed energy storage,electric vehicles,etc.Furthermore,a distribution-level joint clearing model of the gas-electricity integrated energy system considering the distributed resource trading is constructed.The second-order cone relaxation method and the Taylor series expansion are used to linearize the power flow and the gas flow constraints.The price signals of the electricity-gas integrated system are reflected by node prices of distribution network and time-of-use tariffs of gas networks.Finally,the validity of the proposed market mechanism model is verified based on an improved gas-electricity integrated system.


深圳供电局有限公司,广东省深圳市 518020深圳供电局有限公司,广东省深圳市 518020深圳供电局有限公司,广东省深圳市 518020深圳供电局有限公司,广东省深圳市 518020电力系统及大型发电设备安全控制和仿真国家重点实验室(清华大学),北京市 100084||清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系,北京市 100084电力系统及大型发电设备安全控制和仿真国家重点实验室(清华大学),北京市 100084||清华大学电机工程与应用电子技术系,北京市 100084北京清大科越股份有限公司,北京市 100084


distribution networkelectricity marketgas-electricity integrated systemmechanism designclearing modeldistributed resource

《电力系统自动化》 2024 (14)


国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目(信息-物理-社会视角下数据驱动的区域能源系统优化运行,52161135201).本文在撰写过程中得到深圳供电局有限公司科技项目(090000KK52200116)的帮助,特此感谢! This work is supported by International(NSFC-NWO)Joint Research Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52161135201).

