

Hybrid Optimal Configuration Method for Distribution Automation Terminal Considering Load Outage Differentiation


成本低且安装灵活的故障指示器(FI)常与具备远程遥控能力的馈线远程终端单元(FRTU)协同完成配电网的故障定位和隔离,以缩减负荷停电时间.在配电网各开关位置或分支线路上,有选择性地部署配电自动化终端的FRTU和FI,可减少故障停电损失费用.为此,提出了考虑各供电负荷停电差异化的FRTU和FI的混合优化配置新方法.首先,根据待分析负荷、故障点、上级110 kV/35 kV变电站以及联络开关的相对位置,考虑FRTU和FI协同作用下的故障定位、故障隔离和供电恢复全过程,建立基于FRTU和FI混合配置方案的各供电负荷差异化停电时间关系式.然后,构建了以FRTU和FI的全生命周期成本费用和故障停电损失费用之和最小为目标的混合优化配置数学模型,并完成优化求解.最后,在CSG 53节点测试系统上验证了所提方法的有效性.

The fault indicators(FIs)with low cost and flexible installation are often used in conjunction with the feeder remote terminal units(FRTUs)with remote control capability to accomplish fault location and isolation in distribution networks to reduce load outage time.The selective deployment of FRTUs and FIs with distribution automation terminals at each switching location or branch line of the distribution network can reduce the cost of fault outage losses.For this purpose,a new hybrid optimal configuration method for FRTUs and FIs considering the outage differentiation of each power supply load is proposed.Firstly,according to the relative positions of the load to be analyzed,the fault point,the superior 110 kV/35 kV substation,and the contact switch,the relationship equation of the differentiated outage time of each power supply load based on the hybrid configuration scheme of FRTUs and FIs is established considering the whole process of fault location,fault isolation,and power supply restoration under the synergistic effect of FRTUs and FIs.Then,a mathematical model of hybrid optimal configuration is constructed with the objective of minimizing the sum of the whole life cycle cost and fault outage loss cost of FRTUs and FIs,and the optimization solution is completed.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the CSG 53-bus test system.


武汉理工大学自动化学院,湖北省武汉市 430070武汉理工大学交通与物流工程学院,湖北省武汉市 430063


distribution networkfeeder remote terminal unitfault indicatorhybrid optimal configurationfault locationfault isolation

《电力系统自动化》 2024 (014)

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国家重点研发计划资助项目(2021YFB2601602);已申请国家发明专利(申请号:CN202111142470,CN202010633154). This work is supported by National Key R&D Program of China(No.2021YFB2601602).

