

Reliability and Validity Study of A Portable Gait Detection System Based on Wearable Sensors


目的 验证一款基于可穿戴传感器的便携式Right Gait&Posture®步态检测系统的信度和效度.方法 江苏钟山老年康复医院于2023年8-11月招募36例健康受试者,由2名受过培训的评估者采用Right Gait&Posture®步态检测系统对每位受试者进行3次步态检测,评估者1完成第1次和第2次测试,评估者2完成第3次测试,所有测试均在同一天内完成.记录步态周期、摆动相占比、支撑相占比、步速、步频、步幅、足偏角、着地角度、着地内翻角度和蹬离角度等步态参数.采用组内相关系数(ICC)计算测试者间信度和重复测试的相对信度;采用测量标准误(SEM)和最小真正改变量(MDC)作为重复测试的绝对信度.以视频步态分析法作为对照,采用Bland-Altman法计算95%一致性界限,分析Right Gait&Posture®系统检测步态周期、摆动相占比、支撑相占比和步速4项步态参数的效度.结果 ① 测试者间信度:2名评估者间步态周期、摆动相占比、支撑相占比、步速、步频、步幅、着地角度、着地内翻角度、蹬离角度和足偏角的ICC值为0.901~0.981.② 重复测试信度:同一个评估者2次测试间的步态周期、摆动相占比、支撑相占比、步速、步频、步幅、着地角度、着地内翻角度、蹬离角度和足偏角ICC值为0.822~0.983.各项步态参数SEM和SEM%值分别为0.02~2.17和0.49%~13.83%,MDC和MDC%值分别为0.06~6.02和1.37%~38.34%.③ 效度分析:Bland-Altman图显示步态周期、摆动相占比、支撑相占比和步速的绝对误差平均值和95%CI分别为0.003 s,(-0.059,0.064);0.756%,(-3.048,4.560);-0.756%,(-4.560,3.048);-0.001 m/s,(-0.155,0.152).结论 Right Gait&Posture®系统在时空参数和踝关节运动学参数方面具有较好信度;在步态周期、摆动相占比、支撑相占比和步速方面具有较高效度,值得临床推广应用.

Objective To verify the reliability and validity of a portable Right Gait&Posture® gait detection system based on wearable sensors.Methods A total of 36 healthy volunteers were recruited in the Jiangsu Zhongshan Geriatric Rehabilitation Hos-pital from August to November 2023.Right Gait&Posture® system was used to detect the gait of each subject for three times by two trained assessors.The assessor 1 completed the first and second tests,and the assessor 2 completed the third test.All tests were com-pleted on the same day.Gait parameters such as gait cycle,swing phase proportion,stance phase proportion,walking speed,stride frequency,stride length,foot deviation angle,ground contact angle,ground contact inward rotation angle and propulsion angle were recorded.The intragroup correlation coefficient(ICC)was used to calculate the inter-tester reliability and the relative reliability of the repeated tests,and the standard error of measurement(SEM)and the minimum detectable change(MDC)were calculated as the absolute reliability of the repeated tests.With video gait analysis as a control,Bland-Altman method was used to calculate the 95%consistency limit,and the validity of the Right Gait&Posture® gait detection system in detecting gait cycle,swing phase ratio,stance phase proportion and walking speed was analyzed.Results(1)Inter-tester reliability:the ICC values of gait cycle,swing phase proportion,stance phase proportion,walking speed,stride frequency,stride length,foot deviation angle,ground contact angle,ground contact inward rotation angle,forward propulsion angle and foot deviation angle between two assessors were 0.901 to 0.981.(2)Test-retest reliability:the ICC values of gait cycle,swing phase proportion,stance phase proportion,walking speed,stride fre-quency,stride length,ground contact angle,ground contact inward rotation angle and forward propulsion angle and foot deviation angle between the two tests of the same assessor were 0.822 to 0.983.The SEM and SEM%values of gait parameters were 0.02 to 2.17 and 0.49%to 13.83%,respectively.The MDC and MDC%values were 0.06 to 6.02 and 1.37%to 38.34%,respectively.(3)Va-lidity analysis:Bland-Altman plot showed that the mean absolute errors and 95%CI of gait cycle,swing phase proportion,stance phase proportion and walking speed were 0.003 s,(-0.059,0.064);0.756%,(-3.048,4.560);-0.756%,(-4.560,3.048);-0.001 m/s,(-0.155,0.152),respectively.Conclusion Right Gait&Posture® gait detection system shows good reliability in spatio-temporal parameters and ankle kinematics parameters,and has high validity in gait cycle,swing phase proportion,stance phase proportion and walking speed,which is recommended for clinical application.


南京医科大学第一附属医院,江苏 南京 210029江苏钟山老年康复医院,江苏 南京 210049苏州大学附属第一医院,江苏 苏州 215006


gait analysiswearable sensorinertial sensorinsole pressure sensorvideo gait analysisreliabilityvalidity

《康复学报》 2024 (004)

383-389 / 7


