

Multiple Inductive Current Dividers Calibration on Equipotential Working Condition


提出了在等电位工作状态下校准多元感应分流器(multiple inductive current divider,MICD)的1 种方法.在校准装置中加入由跟随器和电阻组成的I/V变换器,以使MICD各支路间的电流比例与其工作状态保持一致;用参考电流互感器(CT)提供独立的参考电流,以避免影响支路电流的比例关系.在20、55、400 Hz及1 kHz下对11 支路MICD校准所得10:1 电流比例的比值差合成标准不确定度优于0.2 μA/A,相位差合成标准不确定度优于1.5 μrad.

A method for calibration of multiple inductive current dividers(MICD)is proposed.The I/V converter consisting of a voltage follower and a resistor is introduced in the calibration circuit,resulting in the same status for the current ratio of the branches of the MICD both in the calibration and the actual working condition.The MICD with 11 branches has been calibrated compared with an independent reference current provided by a reference current transformer(CT)used to avoid the influence on the current ratio of the branches.The MICD were calibrated at 20、55、400 Hz and 1 kHz.The results showed that the measurement standard uncertainty of ratio errors were better than 0.2 μA/A and phase errors were better than 1.5 μrad at the ratio of 10:1.


吉林大学 仪器科学与电气工程学院,吉林 长春 130026中国计量科学研究院,北京 100029


electrical metrologymultiple inductive current dividersequipotentialcurrent proportionratio errorphase errorcalibration

《计量学报》 2024 (007)

935-940 / 6


