

Analysis of the influence of rectangular jet orifice geometry on the working characteristics of Dual Synthetic Jet


合成双射流技术作为一种新型的主动流动控制技术,除具备常规合成射流结构简单、响应迅速等特点外,还能有效解决控制流场与环境流场间压差引起振膜失效的问题,兼具能量利用率高、结构灵活和易于一体化集成等优点.合成双射流工作特性易受射流口大小、形状等几何构型的影响,为进一步研究合成双射流工作特性,设计了 25 组不同矩形射流口几何参数的合成双射流激励器,通过PIV实验得到合成双射流激励器射流口处流场结构与频率特性的关系,分析射流口几何参数对激励器腔体亥姆霍兹共振频率的影响,并总结出最佳长宽比-深纵比关系;结合数值模拟研究激励器几何参数特性,探究射流口几何参数对射流速度分布与轴切换现象的影响规律,并与PIV实验结果进行对比验证.结果表明小长宽比矩形射流口所形成的射流在空间上的分布更集中,射流峰值速度更大;而大长宽比矩形射流口形成的射流的速度较低,且单股射流易受压力差作用发生偏转,但涡量分布更加均匀,与环境流体的能量交换更充分.

Even though the dual synthetic jet,a novel active flow control method with simple configuration and rapid response,does not suffer from the diaphragm failure problem common for regular synthetic jets,its performance is prone to be affected by the geometry of the jet orifice.This paper systematically studies the performance of 25 groups of dual synthetic jet actuators with different rectangular jet orifices using Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV)and numerical simulations.Specifically,the relationship between flow structures and the frequency characteristics at the jet orifice is obtained by PIV.The effects of the jet orifice's geometry on the Helmholtz resonance frequency of the actuator cavity are analyzed,yielding the optimal RAR-RDLR relationship.Numerical simulations are used to explore the influence of the jet orifice's geometry on the jet velocity distribution and shaft-switching phenomenon.The results show that rectangular jet orifices with small aspect ratios produce more concentrated jet velocity with higher peak magnitude.In contrast,the velocity magnitude at rectangular jet orifices with large aspect ratios is lower;a single jet can be deflected easily by the pressure difference,but the energy exchange with the ambient fluid is more remarkable.


国防科技大学空天科学学院,长沙 410073||长沙理工大学能源与动力工程学院,长沙 410114国防科技大学空天科学学院,长沙 410073长沙理工大学能源与动力工程学院,长沙 410114



jet orifice geometrydual synthetic jetflow characteristicPIVnumerical simulation

《空气动力学学报》 2024 (006)

44-55 / 12


