

Numerical study of thermal nonequilibrium process in CO2 system with state-to-state model


以火星大气条件下飞行器非平衡流场研究为背景,采用态-态模型对定容静止CO2 系统自 30 km火星大气条件(181 K)瞬时升温后的热非平衡过程开展数值模拟.考虑CO2 分子的对称拉伸、弯曲和非对称拉伸三个振动模态共201 个振动能级,微观过程包括:振动-平动(VT)能量交换过程引起的同一模态内部的和不同模态间的振动能级跃迁,振动-振动(VV)能量交换过程引起的同一模态内部振动能级跃迁.分析不同振动模态的能级分布演化特点,并考察对应微观过程细节探究内在原因,结果表明:VT过程起支配作用,对由初始低温突然升温后保持定温的气体非平衡过程,VV过程的贡献可以忽略;CO2 分子的弯曲振动模态具有最快的激发速率,平衡时也具有最高的粒子数占比,升温至2000K情况下,对称拉伸和非对称拉伸模态的松弛时间约为弯曲模态的 2.2 倍和 46.1 倍;更高温度下振动能级跃迁速率加大,升温至 5000 K情况达到平衡的平均松弛时间比 2000 K情况低了 2 个量级.

With the background of research on nonequilibrium flow field outside Mars probe,the thermal nonequilibrium process after temperature increase of a stationary CO2 system from Martian atmospheric condition at an altitude of 30 km(181 K)is studied with state-to-state model.The system with initial condition of Martian atmosphere is heated suddenly to a high temperature and then is kept at constant temperature and volume. Three vibrational modes (symmetric stretching,bending and asymmetric stretching modes) and totally 201 vibrational energy levels are considered. The microscopic processes include:vibration-translation (VT) energy exchange processes that cause transitions between energy levels of the same or different modes,vibration-vibration (VV) energy exchange processes that cause transitions within the same mode. The time evolution of vibrational distribution for the three modes and the specifics of the corresponding microscopic processes are analyzed. The results show that:(1) VT processes are dominant,the contribution of VV processes can be ignored for such sudden increase and then constant temperature case. (2) Among the three vibrational modes,the bending mode has the fastest excitation rate and the largest equilibrium population. For the case of temperature rise to 2000 K,the relaxation time for the symmetric and asymmetric stretching modes is respectively about 2.2 times and 46.1 times of that for the bending mode. (3) As the transition rates increase with temperature,the average relaxation time for 5000 K case is lower than that for 2000 K by two orders of magnitude.


国防科技大学空天科学学院,长沙 410073


thermal nonequilibriumstate-to-state modelcarbon dioxidenumerical simulationvibrational population distribution

《空气动力学学报》 2024 (006)

66-75 / 10


