

Numerical analysis of cylindrical circumflow control based on pore scale porous medium


为深入理解多孔介质参数对圆柱绕流的影响机制及其效果,本文基于微观孔隙尺度,对覆盖有多孔介质的圆柱在雷诺数为 150 条件下的绕流流动进行了数值模拟.主要对不同孔隙率与结构下圆柱绕流的流动特性进行了分析,结果表明,多孔介质的覆盖改变了圆柱原有的流体动力学特征:改变多孔介质结构后,尾流稳定性特征均呈现为先增大后减小的趋势;随着多孔介质结构复杂化,圆柱尾部脱落涡的延迟程度有所降低,但涡的边缘化程度保持相对稳定,且流出多孔介质的流体会再次进入多孔介质,导致涡附着于多孔介质表面.在相同结构条件下,当孔隙率达到 0.992 时,多孔介质尾部涡的周期性脱落延迟与边缘化程度均达到最大值.以上现象归因于多孔介质内部的小尺度流动,流体在穿越小圆柱时经历多次分离与剪切,特别是在多孔介质尾部流出量较大时,形成的剪切层加厚,从而延长了圆柱尾部涡的脱落过程.此外,随着结构复杂化,流体更倾向于在多孔介质尾部附近流出,这进一步增加了多孔介质上下表面剪切层的厚度.本研究揭示了多孔介质孔隙尺度内流体的流动行为对圆柱绕流的影响规律,可为多孔介质在流动及噪声控制领域的工程应用提供参考.

In order to deeply understand the influence of porous media parameters on the cylindrical flow and its mechanism,based on the microscopic pore scale of porous media,the flow around the cylinder covered with a Reynolds number of 150 is numerically simulated based on the microscopic pore scale of the porous medium,and the flow characteristics of the cylinder under different porosity and different structures are analyzed.After the cylinder is covered with porous media,the original fluid flow characteristics of the cylinder are changed,and the wake stability characteristics increase first and then decrease with the porosity after the structure of the porous medium is changed.However,with the complexity of the structure,the delay degree of the cylindrical tail shedding vortex decreases,while the marginalization degree of the tail vortex is basically the same,and the fluid flowing out of the porous medium will re-enter the porous medium,so that the vortex adheres to the surface of the porous medium.Under the same structure,when the porosity is 0.992,the periodic shedding delay and marginalization of the tail vortex of the porous medium are the largest.Due to the existence of small-scale flow in the porous medium,multiple separation and shear flow occur when passing through the small cylinder.When the fluid flows out more in the tail of the porous medium,the resulting shear flow forms a thick shear layer at the trailing edge of the porous medium,resulting in the elongation of the vortex detachment of the cylindrical tail.As the structure becomes more complex,the fluid flowing into the porous medium will flow out close to the tail of the porous medium,increasing the thickness of the shear layer on the upper and lower surfaces of the porous medium.The flow behavior of the fluid in the pore scale of porous media plays a key role in the influence of cylindrical flow,and this study can provide theoretical guidance for the effective control of flow and noise in porous media in engineering.


南昌航空大学飞行器工程学院,南昌 330063中国航空研究院,北京 100020


pore scaleporous mediumporositywakeshear flow

《空气动力学学报》 2024 (006)

96-107 / 12


