

Flood control operation scheme for Chenglingji area by combining Qingjiang cascade reservoirs with Three Gorges Reservoir


为充分挖掘清江梯级水库10 亿m3 防洪库容的防洪效益,构建了长江上游水库群与清江梯级水库联合防洪调度模型,定量分析了清江梯级水库配合三峡水库对荆江河段实施联合防洪调度的防洪作用和库容使用情况,探讨了清江梯级水库配合三峡水库对城陵矶联合防洪调度的必要性;在此基础上,开展了不同水库群联合防洪调度方案防洪效果的比较分析,提出了清江梯级水库配合三峡水库对城陵矶防洪调度的分级拦蓄方式.研究表明:提出的分级拦蓄方式为当来水小于4 000 m3/s,清江梯级水库各拦蓄流量为2 500 m3/s;当来水不小于4 000 m3/s,清江梯级水库各拦蓄流量为3 000 m3/s;拦蓄时机与三峡水库同步,在拦蓄过程中兼顾了发电因素.该方案可有效发挥清江梯级水库的防洪作用,减少长江上游水库群动用防洪库容.研究成果量化了清江梯级水库的防洪作用,可有力支撑长江水库群联合防洪调度方案编制.

In order to fully exploit the flood control benefit of 1 billion cubic meters of Qingjiang cascade reservoirs,this study constructed a joint flood control operation model of cascade reservoirs in the upper reaches of Changjiang River and Qingjiang cas-cade reservoirs.We quantitatively analyzed the flood control effect and storage capacity utilization of Qingjiang cascade reservoirs under cooperation with the Three Gorges Reservoir to Jingjiang Reach.The necessity of joint flood control operation to Chenglingji Area by Three Gorges Reservoir with the cooperation of Qingjiang cascade reservoirs was discussed.Based on the comparative a-nalysis of joint flood control effect with different operation schemes,the graded storage scheme to Chenglingji Area by combining Qingjiang cascade reservoirs with Three Gorges Reservoir was proposed.The proposed graded storage scheme is that:when the in-flow is less than 4 000 m3/s,the stored flow of each Qingjiang cascade reservoir is 2 500 m3/s;when the inflow is not less than 4 000 m3/s,the stored flow of each Qingjiang cascade reservoir is 3 000 m3/s.And during the water storage process,the impoun-ding timing is synchronized with the Three Gorges Reservoir,and the power generation factor is also taken into account.The re-search quantified the flood control function of Qingjiang cascade reservoirs and strongly supported the formulation of joint flood control operation scheme of Changjiang River reservoir group.


中国长江三峡集团有限公司,湖北 宜昌 443133||长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司,湖北 武汉 430010||武汉大学 水资源工程与调度全国重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430072中国长江三峡集团有限公司,湖北 宜昌 443133华中科技大学 土木与水利工程学院,湖北 武汉 430074长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司,湖北 武汉 430010湖北清江水电开发有限责任公司,湖北 宜昌 443000



joint flood control operationflood control effect analysisQingjiang cascade reservoirsThree Gorges ReservoirChenglingji area

《人民长江》 2024 (007)

29-34,43 / 7


