Synergistic effect evaluation on water ecosystem in western area of Wangyu River
水生态系统统筹治理是新时期水生态环境保护领域的重点与难点,水生态系统作用机制复杂,各子系统间存在紧密的影响与反馈关系,厘清水生态环境各子系统间协同作用机制十分重要.为此,以望虞河西岸水生态环境功能分区(简称分区)为评价单元,以水环境、沉积物、水生态3 个子系统为研究对象,利用2019 年丰、枯水期的实测数据,通过建立协同效应模型量化评价单元中研究对象间的协同效应,探究其时空差异性,识别其主要限制因素.结果表明:①丰水期环境条件更利于浮游动物的生长繁殖和水中污染物稀释,协同效应较枯水期更为强烈.②中协同和强协同的区域分布在太湖滨湖和望虞河沿岸处,说明分区水生态环境治理、修复工程举措初见成效,3 个子系统耦合较好;弱协同或不协同的分区聚集在锡澄运河以东、长江以南的"三角区".依据研究结果实施分区分类精细化管控,有利于提升望虞河西岸地区污染防治和生态修复措施的实施效率.
The overall management of the water ecosystem is the key and difficult point in water ecological environment protec-tion in the new era.The mechanism of the water ecosystem is complex,and each subsystem has a close influence and feedback re-lationship.It is very important to clarify the synergy mechanism among water ecosystem subsystems.Therefore,the water ecological environment functional zoning(zoning for short)on the west bank of Wangyu River was taken as the evaluation unit,and the three subsystems of water environment,sediment,and water ecology were taken as the research objects.Based on the measured da-ta of the high-flow and low-flow seasons in 2019,a synergistic effect model was established to quantify the synergistic effect a-mong the research objects in the evaluation unit,explore its spatial and temporal differences,and identify its main limiting factors.The results demonstrated that:①The environmental condition in the high-flow season was more conducive to the growth of zoo-plankton and the dilution of pollutants in the water,then the synergistic effect was stronger than that in the low-flow season.②The sub-regions with moderate synergy and strong synergy were distributed in the shore area of Taihu Lake and Wangyu River,which showed that the water ecological environment management and restoration projects in these sub-regions had achieved ini-tial results,and the coupling of the three subsystems tended to be good.The sub-regions with light synergy and non-synergy were clustered in the"triangle area"which was in the east of the Xicheng Canal and south of the Changjiang River.Referring to the evaluation results to take precise actions based on different functional zones and classifications can improve the implementation efficiency of pollution prevention and control as well as ecological restoration measures in the western area of Wangyu River.
江苏省环境工程技术有限公司,江苏 南京 210019||江苏省工业园区规范化建设及智慧化管控工程研究中心,江苏 南京 210019||河海大学 环境学院,江苏 南京 210024江苏省环境工程技术有限公司,江苏 南京 210019||江苏省工业园区规范化建设及智慧化管控工程研究中心,江苏 南京 210019河海大学 环境学院,江苏 南京 210024江苏省环境工程技术有限公司,江苏 南京 210019||江苏省工业园区规范化建设及智慧化管控工程研究中心,江苏 南京 210019河海大学 环境学院,江苏 南京 210024
water ecological and environment functional zonesynergistic effectspatial and temporal distribution characteris-ticsWangyu River
《人民长江》 2024 (7)