

Effects of Rain Patterns and Planting Patterns on Soil and Water Losses in Farmland in the Poyang Lake Plain Area


[目的]分析不同种植模式下农田地表径流及泥沙流失对降雨雨型的响应,探究新形势下鄱阳湖平原区农田地表径流及泥沙输移规律,为防治农田地表水土流失提供科学依据.[方法]利用K-均值聚类方法将64场降雨进行分类,结合径流小区产流、产沙等监测数据,分析了 3种种植模式下不同雨型对农田地表径流及泥沙流失的影响.[结果](1)以次降雨历时、次降雨量和最大30 min雨强为降雨特征指标,降雨可划分为4种雨型(A雨型:"中历时、小雨量、小雨强";B雨型:"短历时、小雨量、中雨强";C雨型:"长历时、大雨量、中雨强";D雨型:"短历时、中雨量、大雨强").(2)各种植模式径流量与降雨量的变化规律基本一致,降雨量较大时,产生径流量也较多;各月份下旱作模式处理产生径流量最多.(3)无论何种雨型,旱作模式处理径流量和泥沙流失量均最高,在A,C雨型下,水作模式处理产流产沙量均最小,B雨型下,水旱轮作模式处理减少产流效果最佳.(4)不同种植模式下径流总量和泥沙流失总量均存在显著性差异,表现为旱作模式>水旱轮作模式>水作模式.[结论]与旱作模式处理相比,水作模式处理在减少水土流失方面具有一定优势,尤其是应对A雨型和C雨型时,减少径流和泥沙流失效果更为明显.

[Objective]The aims of this study are to analyze the response of farmland surface runoff and sediment loss to rainfall patterns under different planting modes,to explore the laws of farmland surface runoff and sediment transport in the Poyang Lake plain area under new circumstances,and to provide scientific basis for preventing and controlling farmland surface soil erosion.[Methods]64 rainfall events were classified using K-means clustering method,and combined with monitoring data such as runoff and sediment production in runoff plots,the impact of surface runoff and sediment losses in different rainfall types of farmlands under three planting modes were analyzed.[Results](1)The duration,rainfall and maximum rainfall intensity of 30 minutes were taken as the rainfall characteristic indicators.The rainfall could be divided into 4 types(type A:'medium duration,small rainfall and light rainfall intensity',type B:'short duration,small rainfall and medium rainfall intensity',type C:'long duration,heavy rainfall and medium rainfall intensity',and type D:'short duration,medium rainfall and heavy rainfall intensity').(2)The variation of runoff and rainfall of each planting mode was basically the same,and the runoff was also more when the rainfall was larger.In each month,dry farming mode produced the most runoff.(3)No matter what type of rainfall,the runoff and sediment losses of dry farming mode were the highest.Under the types A and C,the runoff and sediment yields of water farming mode were the lowest.Under the type B,the runoff reduction effect of water and dry rotation mode was the best.(4)There were significant differences in the total runoff and sediment loss under different planting modes,and the performance followed the order:dry farming mode>paddy upland rotation mode>paddy farming mode.[Conclusion]In conclusion,compared with the dry farming model,the water farming model has certain advantages in reducing runoff and sediment,especially when dealing with type A and type C,the effect of runoff and sediment reduction is more obvious.


江西省灌溉试验中心站,南昌 330000江西省灌溉试验中心站,南昌 330000江西省灌溉试验中心站,南昌 330000江西省灌溉试验中心站,南昌 330000



rainfall patternsplanting patternsfarmlandrunoffsediment loss

《水土保持研究》 2024 (5)



