

Evaluation and Research on Classification Standard of Mixed Passenger and Freight Railway



This paper selected 45 passenger and freight railway,a total of 69 sections.Based on the statistical analysis of passenger and freight traffic in 2015-2017,the paper found out the current situation and disadvantages of mixed passenger and freight railway in China.Combined with the current mixed passenger and freight railway classification standards and sample data,the multi-index partition method was adopted to evaluate and research the classification standards of mixed passenger and freight railway from the aspects of passenger and freight volume,the design speed of passenger trains,the significance of railway lines,and the function of railway network.Finally,as the difference between levels Ⅲ and Ⅳ railway technical standards is not great in the original specifications,it is suggested that class Ⅲ and Ⅳ railways should be merged into one class,and the mixed passenger and freight railway classification should be adjusted from four levels to three levels.Besides,the quantitative evaluation model of mixed passenger and freight railway was built,which integrated the evaluation factors such as traffic volume,speed,and the significance of the railway network.In this way,problems like the subjective interference caused by qualitative evaluation methods and evaluation error caused by overly prominent evaluation factors can be solved,and certain reference values for mixed passenger and freight railway classification can be provided.


中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司 线路站场设计研究院,湖北 武汉 430063



Mixed Passenger and Freight RailwayRailway ClassificationStatistical AnalysisMain Technical StandardsEvaluation Model

《铁道运输与经济》 2024 (008)

74-81,125 / 9


