

Measurement of the Effect of Digital Economy to Enable the Transformation and Upgrading of China's Sporting Goods Manufacturing Industry and the Realization Path


随着社会的发展和科学技术的进步,数字经济赋能我国实体经济已成为当今社会经济发展的关键词,对我国实体产业的发展具有重要影响力.从体育用品制造业视域,就数字经济赋能中国体育用品制造业转型升级的效应测度和实现路径进行深入分析,并基于科技创新能力及全要素生产率中介视角,采用 2013-2021 年面板数据进行实证检验.结果表明,数字经济对我国体育用品制造业转型升级具有明显的赋能作用,数字经济间接提升各地区科技创新能力及全要素生产率,以实现体育用品制造业转型升级,且科技创新能力中介作用略强于全要素生产率.因此,需打造体育用品"智慧园区",构建"数体"耦合的"供需匹配智能系统";架构"数体"科技创新生态圈与技术创新共享机制,推动产学研深度融合;挖掘企业全要素生产率,建构区域"数体"协调整合—优势互补机制等多条实现路径.

With the development of society and the advancement of science and technology,the digital economy empowering China's real economy has become a keyword in today's social-economic development,exerting a significant influence on the development of China's real industry.This paper conducts an in-depth analysis,focusing on the effect and pathways of digital economy on the transformation and upgrading of China's sporting goods manufacturing industry.Empirical test is carried out using panel data from 2013 to 2021,with a specific emphasis on the mediation role of technology innovation capability and total factor productivity.The results reveal that the digital economy plays a significant enabling role in the transformation and upgrading of China's sporting goods manufacturing industry.It indirectly enhances the technology innovation capabilities and total factor productivity of various regions to facilitate the transformation and upgrading of the sporting goods manufacturing industry,with the mediation effect of technology innovation capability slightly outweighing that of total factor productivity.Therefore,the following recommendations are proposed:Establishing"smart parks"of sporting goods,complete with a"digital entity"integrated into a sophisticated"supply and demand matching intelligent system";Constructing a"digital entity"technology innovation ecosystem and technology innovation sharing mechanism to promote deep integration between industry,academia,and research;Exploring enterprise-level total factor productivity,building a regional"digital entity"coordination and integration framework,and leveraging complementary advantages,among other pathways to realization.


重庆师范大学体育与健康科学学院,重庆 401331福建师范大学体育科学学院,福建福州 350117



digital economysporting goods manufacturing industrymediating effecttechnological innovation capacitytotal factor productivity

《天津体育学院学报》 2024 (004)

427-434 / 8


