

Research on balanced allocation of water resources based on stratified water demand


水资源配置是缓解区域水资源供需矛盾、均衡水与发展的关键措施.根据新时期水资源精细化管理的有关要求,以农业、工业、生活、生态用水户为对象,基于分层需水相关理论和已有成果,提出了刚性需水、弹性需水的计算方法;综合考虑社会、经济、环境效益,构建了面向分层需水的水资源优化配置模型,采用NSGA-Ⅲ算法与EMW-TOPSIS法求解得到4种效益配置方案;以用水基尼系数表征配置单元间、用水户间的用水公平性,对非劣解集内配置方案的用水公平性进行评价,筛选出兼顾用水公平和效益的均衡配置方案;最后以宁夏回族自治区为典型研究区,进行案例应用.结果表明:均衡配置方案下,2025年宁夏全区总缺水量为10.74 × 108 m3,经济效益为2 182.6 × 108元,污染物排放量为162.78 t,该方案对应的全区用水基尼系数为0.98,配置单元间、不同用水户间用水公平性较高;与现状年相比,均衡配置方案对应的全区地下水开采量减少了 0.91 ×108 m3,降幅超过16.1%,地下水供水量占总供水量比例下降1.3%,进一步优化了自治区供水结构.本研究提出的水资源均衡配置思路与方法可为水资源短缺地区均衡配置提供借鉴,也可为新时期落实水资源刚性约束制度提供技术支撑.

Water resources allocation is a key measure to alleviate the contradiction between supply and de-mand of regional water resources,as well as balance the relationship between water and development.Ai-ming at the relevant requirements of fine management of water resources in the new era,this paper takes ag-ricultural,industrial,domestic and ecological water users as the research objects,and puts forward the cal-culation method of rigid water demand and elastic water demand based on the theory of stratified water de-mand and the existing achievements.Considering the social,economic and environmental benefits,an opti-mal allocation model of water resources for stratified water demand is constructed,and four benefit allocation schemes are obtained by NSGA-Ⅲ algorithm and the entropy weight method-technique for order prefer-ence by similarity to an ideal solution(EWM-TOPSIS)method.The Gini coefficient of water use is used to characterize the water use fairness between configuration units and water users,and the water use fairness of the configuration scheme in the non-inferior solution set is evaluated,by which the balanced configuration scheme that takes into account the fairness and efficiency of water use is selected.Finally,Ningxia Hui Au-tonomous Region is taken as a typical research area for the case application.The results show that under the balanced allocation scheme,the total water shortage in Ningxia in 2025 is 1.074 × 109 m3,the economic benefit is 218.26 × 109 yuan,and the pollutant discharge is 162.78 t.The Gini coefficient of water use in the whole region is 0.98,and the water use fairness between configuration units and different water users is quite high.Compared with the current year,the groundwater exploitation in the whole region corresponding to the balanced allocation scheme decreased by 0.091 × 109 m3,with a decrease of more than 16.1%,and the proportion of groundwater supply to total water supply decreased by 1.3%,which further optimized the water supply structure of the autonomous region.The idea and method of balanced allocation of water re-sources proposed in this study can provide a reference for the balanced allocation of water resources in water shortage areas,and also provide a technical support for the implementation of the rigid constraint system of water resources in the new era.


南京水利科学研究院水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,江苏南京 210029南京水利科学研究院水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,江苏南京 210029||长江保护与绿色发展研究院,江苏南京 210098辽宁省水文局辽宁省河库管理服务中心,辽宁沈阳 110003



《水资源与水工程学报》 2024 (004)

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