The effect of eating time after ERCP surgery on the rehabilitation effect of patients with acute biliary pancreatitis
目的:探讨 ERCP术后进食时间对急性胆源性胰腺炎 ABP患者康复效果的影响.方法:选取安徽医科大学直属附属六安医院于 2019年 7月~2022年 7月收治的接受手术治疗的 60例ABP患者,随机均分为早期组、中期组及后期组 3 组.比较三组病人临床疗效、胃肠功能、营养状态以及免疫功能.结果:术后三组总有效率比较:早期组>中期组>后期组(P<0.05);排气、排便时间:早期组最快,中期组居中,后期组最慢(P<0.05).营养指标 TF、ALB、PA 及免疫指标 IgA、IgG、IgM 均为早期组最高,中期组次之,后期组最低(P<0.05).结论:术后 24小时内进食时间可加速ABP患者康复,改善营养和免疫功能,值得推广.
Objective:To explore the effect of post ERCP eating time on the rehabilitation outcomes of acute biliary pancreatitis in ABP patients.Methods:60 patients with ABP who underwent surgical treatment at the Affiliated Lu'an Hospital of Anhui Medical University from July 2019 to July 2022 were randomly divided into three groups:early group,mid-term group,and late group.Compare the clinical efficacy,gastrointestinal function,nutritional status,and immune function of three groups of patients.Results:Comparison of total effective rates among the three postoperative groups:early group>mid-term group>late group(P<0.05);Exhaustion and defecation time:The early group was the fastest,the middle group was in the middle,and the late group was the slowest(P<0.05).The nutritional indicators TF,ALB,PA,and immune indicators IgA,IgG,and IgM were the highest in the early group,followed by the middle group,and the lowest in the late group(P<0.05).Conclusion:Eating within 24 hours after surgery can accelerate the recovery of ABP patients,improve nutrition and immune function,and is worth promoting.
安徽医科大学直属附属六安医院(六安市人民医院)消化科,安徽六安 237000安徽医科大学直属附属六安医院(六安市人民医院)消化科,安徽六安 237000安徽医科大学直属附属六安医院(六安市人民医院)消化科,安徽六安 237000安徽医科大学直属附属六安医院(六安市人民医院)消化科,安徽六安 237000
Acute biliary pancreatitisGastrointestinal functionNutritional statusImmune function
《现代科学仪器》 2024 (4)