Phantom Study on the Impact of Non-Standard Localizer Radiograph on Image Quality and Radiation Dose in CT Scanning
目的 通过模体实验探讨非标准定位像对螺旋CT扫描图像质量和辐射剂量的影响.方法 利用包含模体的标准定位像扫描模体并获得基线组图像,利用包含模体、注射器的非标准定位像扫描模体并获得非基线组图像.比较2组图像的质量参数:噪声、CT值线性(3种材料:特氟隆,聚乙烯,空气)、密度分辨率和空间分辨率;比较2组扫描协议中的剂量相关参数:有效毫安秒(Effective Milliampere Seconds,eff.mAs)、CT容积剂量指数(CT Dose Index Volume,CTDIvol).结果 噪声方面,基线组显示低于非基线组(P<0.05);CT值线性方面,基线组较非基线组更接近标准CT值(P<0.05);密度分辨率方面,基线组可识别的最小孔阵直径显著小于非基线组(P<0.05);2组空间分辨率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);eff.mAs和CTDIvol在2组扫描协议的比较中,非基线组均高于基线组(P值均<0.05).结论 螺旋CT扫描中标准定位像的使用可以较低辐射剂量来满足图像质量要求;非标准定位像的使用既提高了辐射剂量,也损害了图像质量.
Objective To investigate the impact of non-standard localizer radiographs on the image quality and radiation dose of spiral CT scans through phantom experiments.Methods A standard localizer radiograph including the phantom was utilized for scanning the phantom and obtaining baseline group images,followed by a non-standard localizer radiograph containing the phantom and syringe to scan the phantom for non-baseline group images.The quality parameters of the two groups of images were compared including noise,linear CT value(3 materials:Teflon,LDPE,Air),density resolution and spatial resolution.Additionally,dose-related parameters between the two scanning protocols including effective milliampere seconds(eff.mAs)and CT dose index volume(CTDIvol)were compared.Results The comparison of noise in baseline group was lower than that in non-baseline group(P<0.05).Regarding CT value linearity,the baseline group showed a closer alignment to the standard CT value than the non-baseline group(P<0.05).In terms of density resolution,the baseline group significantly outperformed the non-baseline group in identifying the smallest diameter of the hole array(P<0.05).The difference was not statistically significant in spatial resolution between the two image groups(P>0.05).In the comparison of scanning protocols between the two groups,the eff.mAs and CTDIvol were higher in the non-baseline group than in the baseline group(all P<0.05).Conclusion Using standard localizer radiographs in spiral CT scans can achieve image quality requirements with lower radiation doses.The use of non-standard positioning images not only increases the radiation dose,but also damages the image quality.
南京医科大学第一附属医院 放射科,江苏南京 210029南京医科大学第一附属医院 放射科,江苏南京 210029南京医科大学第一附属医院 临床工程处,江苏南京 210029西门子数字医疗科技(上海)有限公司,上海 200000南京医科大学第一附属医院 放射科,江苏南京 210029南京医科大学第一附属医院 放射科,江苏南京 210029
spiral CT scanimaging phantomimage qualityradiation dose
《中国医疗设备》 2024 (8)