

Evaluating human resource allocation for primary care in China using the Spatial Durbin model


目的 基于空间视角分析基层卫生技术人力资源的分布特征,为基层卫生人力资源合理配置提供科学依据.方法 收集2012-2021年我国31个省(自治区、直辖市)基层卫生技术人力资源的相关数据,采用莫兰指数和空间杜宾模型分析我国基层卫生技术人员的区域聚集情况,了解基层卫生技术人力资源的影响因素及相邻地区间的空间外溢效应.结果 从时间趋势上来看,2012-2021年间我国基层卫生技术人员数逐年增加,结构不断优化,但从空间分布上来看,省际间千人口基层卫生技术人员的年均增长率差距较大,新疆、甘肃、辽宁、黑龙江等地区的千人口基层卫生技术人员数相对较少且增速缓慢.基层卫生技术人员莫兰指数有所下降,人员配置存在负相关时空分布,且存在空间溢出效应.城镇化率、医疗卫生发展水平是影响地区基层卫生技术人员配置的重要因素.结论 2012-2021年我国基层卫生人力资源的省际差距不断缩小,但基层卫生技术人员总量不足且结构配置不够均衡.应从省际视角统筹考虑,从基层医疗卫生服务网络建设、区域基层医疗卫生合作机制、人才吸引政策等方面优化基层卫生技术人才配置.

Objective To analyze the distribution characteristics of human resource for primary care from the spatial perspective,and to provide a scientific basis for the rational allocation of primary care human resources.Methods Data on human resources for primary care in 31 provinces of China from 2012 to 2021 were collected.The Moran Index and Spatial Durbin's model were employed to analyze the clustering of human resources for primary care in China,and to investigate the factors influencing human resources for primary care and their spatial spillover effects among neighbouring provinces.Results In terms of time trend,the number of primary care technicians in China increased year by year from 2012 to 2021,leading to a continuously improved structure.However,in terms of spatial distribution,there was a wide gap in the average annual growth rate of primary care technicians per 1,000 population between provinces.Provinces like Xinjiang,Gansu,Liaoning,and Heilongjiang had relatively small number of primary care technicians per 1,000 population and their growth rates were slow.The Moran Index of primary care technicians declined in 2012-2021,showing a negative correlation between the spatial and temporal distribution of the allocation of primary care technicians in China,with spatial spillover effects.Urbanisation rate and the medical and health care development were the important factors influencing the allocation of primary care technicians in the region.Conclusion The interprovincial gap in human resources for primary care has been narrowing from 2012 to 2021.Nonetheless,the total number of primary care personnel is insufficient,presenting an uneven spatial distribution.An in-depth approach should be taken from an interprovincial perspective to optimize the deployment of primary care personnel through the construction of primary service networks regional primary care cooperation mechanisms,and talent attraction policies.


南京中医药大学卫生经济管理学院,江苏 南京 210023南京中医药大学卫生经济管理学院,江苏 南京 210023南京中医药大学卫生经济管理学院,江苏 南京 210023



Spatial Dubin modelPrimary care institutionsHealth techniciansSpatial and temporal distributionEvaluation of allocation

《健康发展与政策研究》 2024 (1)



