Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Huashi Baidu Granule in the Treatment of Coroma Virus Disease 2019
目的 评价化湿败毒颗粒治疗新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的经济性,为临床治疗COVID-19合理用药及优化治疗方案提供参考.方法 从全社会角度出发,构建决策树模型,对化湿败毒颗粒联合基础治疗对比基础治疗进行成本-效用分析,产出指标为质量调整生命年(QALYs).成本数据来源于企业及相关文献,效果数据来源于随机对照试验(RCT)研究及相关文献.并利用单因素敏感性分析和概率敏感性分析结果稳健性.结果 与基础治疗相比,化湿败毒颗粒联合基础治疗在治疗COVID-19 时,对于轻型普通型患者,成本低(19 608.94 元vs.20 828.36 元),效果好(0.931 2 QALYs vs.0.929 5 QALYs),ICUR为-709 471.85元/QALY;对于重型患者,成本低(67 951.65元vs.70 074.58元),效果好(0.880 0 QALYs vs.0.874 8 QALYs),ICUR为-408 504.73 元/QALY.敏感性分析显示结果具有稳健性.结论 化湿败毒颗粒联合基础治疗在治疗COVID-19 中具有良好的治疗效果,是在临床治疗中具有药物经济学优势的治疗方案.
Objective To evaluate the economy of Huashin baidu granule in the treatment of coroma virus disease 2019,and to provide reference for rational drug use and optimization of treatment plan in the clinical treatment of COVID-19.Methods From the perspective of the whole society,a decision tree model was constructed to analyze the cost-effectiveness of Huashui baidu granule combined with basic treatment compared with basic treatment.The output index was QALY.Cost data came from the enterprise and related literature,and effect data came from randomized controlled trial(RCT)studies and related literature.The robustness of the results is analyzed by single factor sensitivity analysis and probability sensitivity analysis.Results Compared with the basic treatment,Huashi baidu granule combined with basic treatment had lower cost(19 608.94 yuan VS 20 828.36 yuan)and better effect(0.931 2 QALYs VS 0.929 5 QALYs)in the treatment of COVID-19 in mild ordinary patients.ICUR is-709 471.85 yuan/QALY;For severe patients,the cost was low(67 951.65 yuan VS 70 074.58 yuan)and the effect was high(0.880 0 QALYs VS 0.874 8 QALYs),with an ICUR of-408 504.73 yuan/QALY.Sensitivity analysis showed that the results were robust.Conclusion Huashi baidu granule combined with basic treatment has a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of coroma virus disease 2019,which is a pharmacoeconomic advantage in clinical treatment.
北京中医药大学管理学院,北京 102488北京中医药大学中医学院,北京 102488首都医科大学附属北京潞河医院,北京 101149北京中医药大学管理学院,北京 102488北京中医药大学管理学院,北京 102488北京中医药大学管理学院,北京 102488
Huashi baidu granuleCoroma virus disease 2019Decision tree modelCost-utility analysi
《中国药物经济学》 2024 (7)