

Dental Health Utility Value and Willingness to Pay Based on Standard Game Theory


目的 旨在评估中国人群的牙齿健康效用值和每个质量调整牙齿年(QATY)的货币价值,为进行基于中国人群的口腔健康干预措施的经济学评价提供依据.方法 在哈尔滨市主城区范围内进行面对面调查,使用标准博弈法分别对4种牙齿健康状态(后磨牙龋齿并疼痛、后磨牙龋齿但不疼痛、后磨牙龋齿修复后仍需进一步修复、后磨牙龋齿经填充治疗后康复)的效用值进行评估.采用陈述性偏好测量方法,在调查过程中使用标准博弈法测量问卷中假设的 4 种牙齿健康状态的情景,询问被访者从假设的 4 种牙齿健康状态转移至"完美牙齿健康"愿意一次性支付的金额.结果 共发放问卷 230份,最终纳入 216 份.结果 得出平均效用值最低的为后磨牙龋齿并疼痛,效用值为 0.31;最高的为后磨牙龋齿经填充治疗后康复,效用值为 0.81;后磨牙龋齿但不疼痛的效用值为 0.72;后磨牙龋齿修复后仍需进一步修复的效用值为 0.60.WTP/QATYs的范围在5 283.79~12 149.21 元/QATY,最高的为后磨牙龋齿经充填治疗后修复,最低的为后磨牙龋齿修复后仍需进一步修复.WTP/QATYs均值为7 657.689 25 元/QATY.结论 本研究测量了基于中国人群的牙齿健康效用值,并使用条件价值评估法测量每QATY的意愿支付值,可为未来开展口腔健康干预项目的经济学评价提供参考.

Objective To assess the dental health utility value and the monetary value of each quality adjusted tooth years(QATYs)in the Chinese population,and to provide a basis for the economic evaluation of oral health interventions based on the Chinese population.Methods Conducting a face-to-face survey within the main urban area of Harbin,the utility values of four types of dental health states(molar caries with pain,molar caries without pain,molar caries still needing further restoration after restoration,molar caries rehabilitated after filling treatment)were evaluated by using standard game theory.In this paper,we used the commonly used declarative preference measurement method,which combined the open-ended guidance technique with the standard game method to measure the situation of four supposed dental health states in the quality-adjusted dental measurement,respondents were asked to move from the four assumed dental health states to the amount they would be willing to pay in a lump sum for"Perfect dental health".Results A total of 230 questionnaires were distributed and 216 were finally included.Results the lowest value of the average utility value was the posterior molar carious tooth with pain,the utility value was 0.31.The highest value was the posterior molar carious tooth restored after filling treatment,the utility value was 0.81.The utility value of the posterior molar with caries but no pain was 0.72,and the utility value of the posterior molar with caries needing further restoration was 0.60.The range of WTP/QATYs was 5 283.79~12 149.21 yuan/QATY,the highest was the posterior molar caries restored after filling treatment,the lowest was the posterior molar caries restored after further restoration.The WTP/QATYs average was 7 657.689 25 yuan/QATY.Conclusion This study measured dental health utility values based on the Chinese population,and measured willingness to pay per QATYs using contingent valuation,it can provide a reference for the future economic evaluation of oral health intervention projects.


哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院运营管理部,哈尔滨 150001哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院纪委办公室,哈尔滨 150081哈尔滨医科大学卫生管理学院卫生经济教研室,哈尔滨 150081



Dental healthUtility value measurementQuality adjusted tooth yearsStandard game methodWillingness to pay method

《中国药物经济学》 2024 (007)

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