

Research progress and prospect on flood and tide prevention and water supply safeguarding in the Yangtze River estuary under changing conditions



In the past century,global climate change has led to continuous rise of the sea level,resulting in higher water depth of the entire Yangtze River estuary,rise of basic water level of tide and storm surge,saltwater intrusion and increase of frequency and intensity of flood and storm surge.At the same time,due to the construction of reservoir clusters and erosion control upstream,the amount of sediment entering the estuary has decreased significantly which intensify seawater intrusion and exert negative impact on production and living conditions of the local population.The current results of study are summarized from five aspects:rise and evolution of sea level in the Yangtze River estuary under global climate change;changes in dynamic factors under the influence of human activities and climate change in the Yangtze River estuary;spatial-temporal distribution and water-salt exchange mechanism of seawater intrusion and risk of water supply security;impact of sea level rise on the ability of seawalls to defense flood and storm surge;and resilience of flood control and tide defense in the area of Yangtze River estuary.The research direction in the future is proposed to provide insight for securing water resources utilization and capacity of flood control and tide defense in the Yangtze River estuary.





Yangtze River estuarysaltwater intrusionflood control and tide defensewater supply securitysea level rise

《中国水利》 2024 (014)

18-26 / 9

