

Damage Characteristics of Nanosecond Square Wave Pulses on Regulator Diodes


针对强电磁脉冲产生的瞬态过电压会对二极管半导体造成损伤的问题,基于二极管击穿理论,采用理论与实验相结合的方法,使用纳秒级高压方波脉冲源作为电压脉冲源,选用BZX55C系列不同型号的稳压二极管进行了不同脉宽下的方波脉冲注入实验.实验结果表明:稳压二极管的损伤能量随稳压二极管的稳压值增大而增大,损伤形式表现为稳压值下降,漏电流增大,伏安特性曲线畸变;不同稳压值的二极管对方波脉冲的敏感端不同,当稳压值小于12 V时,负极比较敏感,当稳压值大于12 V时,正极比较敏感;二极管损伤能量并非是一个恒定值,随着脉宽的增加,损伤能量阈值减小,对二极管器件进行防护设计时,限制脉冲幅值的同时应减少脉冲持续时间.研究结果对二极管半导体的防护具有一定的参考价值.

Aiming at the problem that the transient overvoltage generated by strong electromagnetic pulse will cause damage to the diode semiconductor,based on the diode breakdown theory,the method of com-bining theory and experiment is adopted,and the nanosecond high-voltage square wave pulse source is used as the voltage pulse source,and the BZX55C series of different types of regulated diodes is selected for square wave pulse injection experiments with different pulse widths.The experimental results show that the damage energy of the regulator diode increases with the increase of the regulation value of the reg-ulator diode,and the damage form is manifested as the voltage regulation value decreases,the leakage current increases,and the volt-ampere characteristic curve is distorted.Diodes with different regulator values have different sensitive ends of the wave pulse,when the regulator value is less than 12 V,the negative electrode is more sensitive,and when the regulator value is greater than 12 V,the positive elec-trode is more sensitive;Diode damage energy is not a constant value,as the pulse width increases,the damage energy threshold decreases,and the pulse duration should be reduced while limiting the pulse amplitude when designing the diode device for protection.The research results have certain reference val-ue for the protection of diode semiconductors.


南京信息工程大学气象灾害与应急管理学院,南京 210044


electromagnetic pulsediodedamage

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (004)

10-17 / 8

国家重点研发计划(编号:2017YFC1501505).Project supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2017YFC1501505).

