

Energy Coordination Relationship Between ZnO Varistor Stages Under the Action of Nanosecond Pulse


针对纳秒级的强电磁脉冲对电力系统的损害问题,基于压敏电阻的特性和瞬变场传输理论,通过改变脉冲注入电压分析不同参数的压敏电阻在20/500-550 ns波形下的响应特征,结合滤波器理论,利用ADS(Advanced Design System)仿真软件进行设计,仿真结果为在频率50 Hz以内插入损耗小于0.3 dB的巴特沃斯低通滤波器,将滤波器串联在两片伏安特性相同的压敏电阻中间进行脉冲注入测试.实验结果表明:随着注入电压的增大,单片压敏电阻的过冲峰值电压逐渐增大,钳位电压基本不变,且与压敏电压呈正相关;组合使用时串联滤波器能有效限制第二级压敏电阻的残压水平,降低后级残余电流,压敏电阻级间串联九阶滤波器时能将后级残压限制在1.4 kV以下,满足了相关规范中低压电源线的电磁脉冲防护要求.研究结果对压敏电阻进行纳秒级的强电磁脉冲防护有一定的参考价值.

Aiming at the problem of damage to power system caused by nanosecond strong electromagnetic pulse,based on the response characteristics of varistors and the principle of parallel operation of two-stage varistors,the response characteristics of varistors with different parameters under 20/500-550 ns waveform were analyzed by changing pulse injection voltage and combining with filter theory.The advanced design system(ADS)simulation software was used to design.The simulation results were as follows:The butterworth low-pass filter with loss less than 0.3 dB was inserted within the frequency of 50 Hz,and the filter was connected in series between two varistors with the same volt-ampere character-istics for pulse injection test.The experimental results show that with the increase of injection voltage,the peak overshoot voltage of the single chip varistor increases gradually,and the clamp voltage is basi-cally unchanged,which is positively correlated with the voltage.In parallel operation,the series filter can effectively limit the residual voltage level of the second stage varistor and reduce the residual current of the second stage.The residual voltage of the latter stage can be limited to less than 1.4 kV when the nine-order filter is connected between the varistor stages,which meets the electromagnetic pulse protec-tion requirements of the middle and low voltage power lines in relevant specifications.The research results have certain reference value for the protection of nanosecond strong electromagnetic pulse of varistors.


南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心,南京 210044


nanosecond electromagnetic pulsevaristorfilterinter-class coordination

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (004)

37-45 / 9

国家重点研发计划资助(编号:2017YFC1501505).Project supported by National Program on Key Research Project of China(No.2017YFC1501505).

