

Variation Characteristics of Arrester Leakage Current Caused by External Factors



Gapless metal oxide arrester(MOA)is widely used to limit overvoltage and protect electrical equipment and cable sheath from damage due to its unparalleled excellent characteristics.In order to en-sure the reliable operation of MOA,monitoring the leakage current of MOA is the most important means to determine the deterioration state of MOA.Because the change characteristics of MOA leakage current are affected by many random factors,especially external factors can also lead to the change of MOA leak-age current,so that the basis and threshold of MOA deterioration state cannot be quantitatively deter-mined,which seriously affects the effectiveness and correctness of MOA state determination.Based on the MOA state parameter test platform,the author experimentally studied the influence of external factors on the variation of MOA leakage current,and obtained the variation characteristics of MOA leakage total current and resistive leakage current caused by operating voltage fluctuation,ambient temperature and surface pollution.The research results provide important reference for leakage current test method and de-termination threshold.


广东电网有限责任公司珠海供电局,广东珠海,519000国网攀枝花供电公司,四川攀枝花,617000西安交通大学,西安 710049


MOAexternal factorsleakage currentchange characteristicsdeterioration judgment

《电瓷避雷器》 2024 (004)

55-63 / 9

南方电网公司科技项目资助[编号:030400KK52190132(GDKJXM20199169)].Project supported by China Southern Power Grid Corporation[No.030400KK52190132(GDKJXM20199169)].

