

Research and Demonstration Application of Intelligent Alarm Lifejacket based on BeiDou Communication


针对"人船分离"落水事故发生时,传统救生衣缺乏定位报警功能,导致搜救难度较大、地毯式搜救方式效率低、易错过黄金救援时间的问题,本文研制了基于北斗通信的小型低功耗智能报警终端,可实现全海域范围无通信盲点报警功能,支持落水自激活和72 h超长续航时间;设计了一种简易安装式的卡扣结构,可以实现智能报警终端在传统救生衣上的稳固安装;开发了海上救援管理系统及相关手机App,警报发生时可根据智能报警终端信息实时显示落水人员精准定位与时间,帮助救援队实施直线式精准搜救.在广东省台山市横山渔港、汕尾市甲子渔港、惠州市大亚湾渔港和珠海市洪湾渔港4处渔港进行智能报警救生衣的示范应用,在广州番禺莲花山渔港完成了人员落水险情演习,研制的智能报警终端和海上救援管理系统为上述活动提供了技术支撑.

In response to the problem of traditional life jackets lacking positioning alarm function in the event of a"separation of people and ships"drowning accident,which leads to difficulties in search and rescue,low efficiency of carpet style search and rescue methods,and easy missed golden rescue time,this paper develops a small low-power intelligent alarm terminal based on BeiDou communication,which can achieve communication blind spot alarm function throughout the sea area,support self activation of drowning,and an ultra long endurance time of 72 hours.A simple installation type buckle structure has been designed to achieve stable installation of intelligent alarm terminals on traditional life jackets;we have developed a maritime rescue management system and related mobile apps.When an alarm occurs,it can display the precise positioning and time of the person falling into the water in real-time based on the intelligent alarm terminal information,helping rescue teams implement linear and precise search and rescue.The demonstration application of intelligent alarm life jackets was carried out at four fishing ports in Guangdong Province,including Hengshan Fishing Port in Taishan City,Jiazi Fishing Port in Shanwei City,Dayawan Fishing Port in Huizhou City,and Hongwan Fishing Port in Zhuhai City.A personnel drowning danger drill was completed at Lianhuashan Fishing Port in Panyu,Guangzhou.The developed intelligent alarm terminal and maritime rescue management system provided technical support for the above activities and received unanimous praise from users.


广东省现代农业装备研究所,广东 广州 510630广东省现代农业装备研究所,广东 广州 510630广东省现代农业装备研究所,广东 广州 510630||农业农村部华南现代农业智能装备重点实验室,广东 广州 510630广东省现代农业装备研究所,广东 广州 510630||农业农村部华南现代农业智能装备重点实验室,广东 广州 510630广东几米星联通讯有限公司,广东 惠州 516003广东几米星联通讯有限公司,广东 惠州 516003



BeiDou communicationintelligent alarm life jacketmaritime rescuedemonstration application

《现代农业装备》 2024 (4)


