Irrigation water demand patterns and driving factors for ratooned rice before starting irrigation and after stopping irrigation in the Pi-Shi-Hang Irrigation District
为揭示灌区开灌前与停灌后再生稻灌溉需水量时空变化及驱动因素,基于Mann-Kendall方法研究了 1958-2022 年间淠史杭灌区三个子灌区开灌前与停灌后的再生稻灌溉需水量变化规律,并利用多元线性回归和Pearson相关分析的方法进一步检验了包括参考作物蒸散发、降雨量等主要气象因子对灌溉需水量的相对贡献.在开灌前由于开灌日期的不同,淠河灌区、史河灌区、杭埠河灌区再生稻灌溉需水量差异较大,分别为 126.6,108.5,93.2 mm,淠河灌区、史河灌区呈现极显著的上升趋势,速率分别为0.55,0.29 mm/a,杭埠河灌区变化趋势不显著.在停灌后,1958-2022年淠河灌区、史河灌区、杭埠河灌区再生稻灌溉需水量分别为 58.0,55.1,54.0 mm,三者的变化趋势均不显著;参考作物蒸散发对再生稻灌溉需水量的贡献率超过 70%.结果表明:参考作物蒸散发是影响再生稻灌溉需水量的主要因素,相对湿度与日照时数是影响淠史杭灌区开灌前与停灌后的再生稻灌溉需水量两个主要的气象要素.
To reveal the spatial and temporal variations and driving factors of irrigation water requirements for ratoon rice before starting irrigation and after stopping irrigation in an irrigation district,the Mann-Kendall method was used to study the changes in irrigation water requirements for ratoon rice before starting irrigation and after stopping irrigation in three sub-irrigation areas of the Pi-Shi-Hang Irrigation District from 1958 to 2022. Additionally,multiple linear regression and pearson correlation analysis methods were employed to further examine the relative contributions of major meteorological factors,including reference crop evapotranspiration and rainfall,to irrigation water requirements. The results of the study showed that the irrigation water requirements for regenerated rice in Pihe Irrigation District(PID),Shihe Irrigation District(SID),and Hangbuhe Irrigation District (HID) before starting irrigation was significant differences due to the different start dates,with values of 126.6,108.5 and 93.2 mm,respectively,and showed a significant upward trend at PID and SID,with rates of 0.55 and 0.29 mm/a,while HID changing trends were not significant. After stopping irrigation the irrigation water requirements for regenerated rice in the PID,SID and HID from 1958 to 2022 were 58.0,55.1 and 54.0 mm,respectively,and their changing trends were not significant. The contribution rate of ET 0 to the irrigation water demand of regenerated rice exceeded 70%. ET 0 is the main factor affecting the irrigation water demand of regenerated rice. Relative humidity and sunshine hours are the two main meteorological factors affecting the irrigation water demand of regenerated rice before starting irrigation and after stopping irrigation in the Pi-Shi-Hang Irrigation District.
安徽省淠史杭灌区灌溉试验总站,安徽 六安 237158安徽省淠史杭灌区灌溉试验总站,安徽 六安 237158
Pi-Shi-Hang Irrigation Districtbefore starting irrigationafter stopping irrigationratoon riceirrigation require-ments
《江淮水利科技》 2024 (4)