

Research on Transition Control of Tilt Rotor UAV


针对倾转旋翼无人机过渡段的纵向控制问题,以某型倾转旋翼无人机为研究对象,综述了国内倾转旋翼机的发展趋势.利用Rotorlib软件建立倾转旋翼无人机的 6 自由度刚体模型;通过频域和时域对过渡段的特性进行分析,设计出过渡段的舵面操纵分配策略;对总距控制通道的控制结构进行设计.由于倾转旋翼在过渡过程中总距控制通道存在严重的耦合,根据动力学方程分析提出余弦分配的策略来改进耦合问题.通过仿真验证了余弦分配对于总距控制通道的耦合问题有明显的改善.

Aiming at the longitudinal control problem of the transition section of tilt rotor UAV,taking a tilt rotor UAV as the research object,summarizs the development trend of tilt rotor UAV in China.The six degree of freedom rigid body model of the tilt rotor UAV is established by Rotorlib software.The control surface control allocation strategy for the transition section is designed by analyzing the characteristics of the transition section in the frequency domain and time domain.Due to the severe coupling of tilt rotor in the total distance control channel during the transition,a cosine allocation strategy is proposed to solve the coupling problem.Simulation results verify that the proposed strategy significantly improves the total distance control channe and coupling.


南京航空航天大学 自动化学院,江苏 南京 211106


tilt rotor UAVsix degree of freedom rigid body modeltransition control strategycosine allocation

《机械制造与自动化》 2024 (004)

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