

Time Delay Control Strategy of Leakage Liquid Level in Spray Forming Based on Internal Model Control


针对喷射成形漏包液位系统的时滞问题,研究了漏包液位系统的控制策略,提出基于神经网络辨识模型的内模控制方法.根据漏包液位系统存在饱和模块的特点增加辅助控制器,改进了内模控制结构.为了获得系统的正、逆模型,提出基于粒子群优化的RBF神经网络辨识算法.将该控制策略应用到喷射成形生产线,结果表明:在该控制策略下时滞对液位的稳定性影响大幅减小,液位超调量降低至 6mm以下,双包切换时的波动量降低到 15 mm以下.

To solve the time-delay problem of liquid level system in spray forming,the control strategy of liquid level system is studied,and an internal model control method based on neural network identification model is proposed.According to the characteristics of saturation module in leaky ladle liquid level system,an auxiliary controller is added and the internal model control structure is improved.In order to obtain the forward and inverse models of the system,RBF neural network identification algorithm based on particle swarm optimization is proposed.The control strategy is applied to the spray forming production line.The results show that the influence of time delay on the stability of liquid level greatly decreases,the liquid level overshoot is reduced to less than 6 mm,and the fluctuation during double package switching goes down below 15 mm.


南京航空航天大学 机电学院,江苏 南京 210016



time delayleaky ladle liquid levelinternal model controlneural network

《机械制造与自动化》 2024 (004)

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