

Study on the Evolution of Vegetation Pattern and Its Driving Mechanism in Yanhe River Basin


处于黄土丘陵沟壑区的延河流域生态环境脆弱,水土流失严重.为了探究退耕还林还草政策实施以来延河流域的植被格局变化特征及其潜在驱动因素,基于归一化植被指数数据,采用趋势分析、变异系数、Hurst指数分析和地理探测器等方法,探究延河流域植被格局的时空演变、动态稳定性和未来变化的可持续性,进而分析植被格局与自然、人为因子之间的关系.结果表明:近20 a以来延河流域归一化植被指数(NDVI)总体上呈显著增加趋势,空间格局呈南高北低的分布特征.具体来看,延河流域中部植被呈下降趋势的区域面积仅占流域面积的0.06%.植被NDVI变化较为稳定的区域主要分布在流域南部,较高波动区域零星分布在安塞,其余大部分为中低波动区域.流域内多数地区植被NDVI值呈持续性显著增加趋势.相对气温而言,降水与植被NDVI值呈明显正相关,是延河流域植被增加的限制性气候因子;人类活动诸如退耕还林还草等一系列生态政策的实施在一定程度上改善了区域的植被覆盖度.研究结果对于延河流域未来植被的可持续恢复及生态环境提升具有重要的理论指导价值.

The Yanhe River Basin,located in the loess hilly and gully area,has a fragile ecological environment and ex-ists serious soil erosion.In order to explore the characteristics of vegetation pattern changes and potential drivers in the Yanhe River Basin since the implementation of the policy of returning farmland to forest and grassland,this study uses trend analysis,coefficient of variation,Hurst index analysis and geographic detector to explore the temporal and spatial e-volution,dynamic stability and future sustainability of vegetation pattern in the Yanhe River Basin,and then analyzes the relationship between the vegetation pattern and natural and human factors.The results show that in the past 20 years,the normalized differential vegetation index,(NDVI)in the Yanhe River Basin showed a significant increase trend,and the spatial pattern showed the distribution characteristics of"high south and low north",and specifically,the vegetation in the middle of the Yanhe River Basin showed a very small area downward trend,accounting for only 0.06%of the basin area.The areas with relatively stable NDVI were mainly distributed in the southern part of the basin,the higher fluctuation areas were scattered in the Ansai area,and most of the other study areas were with medium and low fluctuations.In most areas of the basin,NDVI showed a continuous and significant increase trend.Compared with temperature,precipitation and NDVI showed a more significant positive correlation,which is the limiting climatic factor for vegetation increase in the Yanhe River Basin.The implementation of a series of ecological policies such as returning farmland to forest and grassland has improved the vegetation coverage of the region to a certain extent.The research results have important theoretical guiding value for the sustainable restoration of vegetation and ecological environment improvement in the Yanhe River Basin in the future.


西北农林科技大学草业与草原学院,陕西杨凌 712100



vegetation evolutionclimate changeecological restorationYanhe River Basin

《生态与农村环境学报》 2024 (008)

985-995 / 11


