

Biological Removal Efficiency of Different Plants of Copper and Cadmium in Contaminated Soil


为筛选重金属富集植物,在江西省某铜(Cu)和镉(Cd)污染土壤上种植巨菌草、芝麻、高粱、伴矿景天、海州香薷和狗尾草6种植物,考察修复植物生物量及重金属富集特征,比较植物重金属提取量及生物移除效率.结果表明,污染土壤Cu和Cd含量分别为560.0和0.80 mg·kg-1,分别是农用地土壤风险筛选值(GB 15168-2018,pH值≤5.5时,Cu和Cd筛选值分别为50和0.3 mg·kg-1)的11.20和2.67倍.巨菌草生物量最高,达41.40 t·hm-2,是伴矿景天的11.82倍.仅有海州香薷对Cu的生物富集系数(BCF)大于1,伴矿景天对Cd的BCF最高(46.16),显著高于其余植物(1.47~9.69).巨菌草和海州香薷对Cu的提取量最高,分别为7.7和6.9 kg·hm-2,但其生物移除效率仅分别为0.61%和0.55%;巨菌草和伴矿景天对Cd的提取量最高,分别为156.17和122.32 g·hm-2,其生物移除效率分别为8.68%和6.80%.巨菌草可用于生物质发电,芝麻籽粒重金属含量(0.49 mg·kg-1)符合食品安全国家标准(GB 2762-2022,Cd含量限值为0.5 mg·kg-1),具有一定的经济效益.因此,采用伴矿景天-芝麻轮作或巨菌草单作模式既具有较高的Cd生物移除效果,又可以实现一定的经济收益,具有应用推广潜力.

In order to select heavy metal-enriched plants,Pennisetum sinese,Sesamum indicum,Sorghum,Sedum plumbizincicola,Elsholtzia splendens,and Setaria pumila were planted in a copper(Cu)and cadmium(Cd)contamina-ted soil in Jiangxi Province.This study investigated the biomass and heavy metal accumulation characteristics of the six plant species,compared the extraction amount and biological removal efficiency of heavy metals by the plants.The results reveal that the total concentrations of Cu and Cd in the soil were 560.0 mg·kg-1 and 0.80 mg·kg-1,respectively,which were 10.20 times and 1.67 times higher than the soil risk screening values for agricultural land(GB 15168-2018,pH≤5.5,Cu 50 mg·kg-1,Cd 0.3 mg·kg-1),respectively.The biomass of Pennisetum was the highest(41.40 t·hm-2),which is 11.82 times that of Sedum plumbizincicola.Only Elsholtzia splendens had a bioconcentration factor(BCF)over 1 for Cu,and Sedum plumbizincicola had the highest BCF for Cd(46.16),significantly higher than those of the other plants(1.47-9.69).The extraction amount for Cu was the highest in Pennisetum sinese(7.7 kg·hm-2)and Elsholtzia splen-dens(6.9 kg·hm-2),but their biological removal efficiencies were only 0.61%and 0.55%,respectively.The extraction amount for Cd in Pennisetum sinese(156.17 g·hm-2)and Sedum plumbizincicola(122.32 g·hm-2)were the highest,with biological removal efficiencies of 8.68%and 6.80%,respectively.Pennisetum sinese can be used for biomass power generation,while the heavy metal content of Sesamum indicum seeds meets the national food safety standards(GB 2762-2022,Cd<0.5 mg·kg-1)and offers certain economic benefits.Therefore,a Sedum plumbizincicola-Sesamum indicum rotation or monocropping mode of Pennisetum sinese is recommended for the remediation of contaminated soils,providing good biological removal effect and potential economic benefits.


安徽理工大学地球与环境学院,安徽淮南 232001中国科学院南京土壤研究所,江苏南京 210008



phytoremediationsoilbiological removalCu and Cdbioconcentration factor

《生态与农村环境学报》 2024 (008)

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