

Construction of Chromosome Fragment Replacement Lines and QTLs Identification of Plant Height and Tiller in Annual Wild Rice(Oryza nivara)


利用野生稻优良基因改良水稻(Oryza sativa),提高水稻的产量和品质具有重要意义.本研究以一年生尼瓦拉野生稻(Oryza nivara)为供体亲本,籼型杂交水稻恢复系'福恢676'('FH676')为受体亲本,构建了一套水稻染色体片段代换系.两亲本经过1次杂交、3次回交和多代自交后,对中选的502个BC3F7个体用全基因组SNP芯片进行检测,最终确定了474个含有供亲本基因组片段的株系作为建系群体.检测结果表明,遗传图谱中的SNP标记数多达1 429个,每条染色体的SNP标记数平均有119个.利用72个导入系(导入片段数≤4个)就可以基本覆盖全基因组,72个导入系中,野生稻片段总长度为581.84 Mb;其中代换片段总长度为306.56 Mb,覆盖基因组的82.75%.在海南三亚和福建尤溪两地考察了整套系的株高和有效分蘖穗,结合基因型,利用完备区间作图法对株高和有效分蘖穗进行QTL分析,2个环境中共检测到9个影响株高的QTL,分布在2、3、7、8、11号染色体上,其中3号染色体上的qPH-3在2个环境中均检测到;最终定位到1个与株高显著相关的QTL qPH-8-1,LOD值16.79,表型贡献率9.16%.同时,检测到14个有效分蘖穗的QTLs,分布在2、3、4、5、6、7号染色体上,qETN-7-3、qETN-7-4、qETN-7-8在2个环境中均检测到;并最终定位到1个与有效分蘖数显著相关的QTL qETN-7-6,LOD值58.28,表型贡献率为32.86%.本研究为进一步对株高和分蘖的QTL精细定位提供了理论基础.

Wild rice has nearly 1 times more alleles than cultivated rice(Oryza sativa),so it is of great significance to improve rice yield and quality by using wild rice excellent genes.In this study,a set of rice chromosome fragment replacement lines were constructed using annual wild rice(Oryza nivara)as donor parent and indica hybrid rice'Fuhui 676'('FH676')as recipient parent.After one hybridization,three backcrosses,and multiple generations of self-cross,502 BC3F7 individuals were selected for whole genome detection using rice high density whole genome SNP chip.Finally,474 lines containing the genome fragments of the donor parents were used as the establishment population.The results showed that the homozygosity of the whole line was high,and the number of SNP markers in the genetic map was up to 1 429,and the average number of SNP markers in each chromosome was 119.Seventy-two imported lines containing≤4 fragments were selected as the coverage map of the whole genome,and the imported fragments basically covered the whole genome.The total length of target segment substitution in overlay map substitution line population was 581.84 Mb.The total length of the substitution fragment in the whole genome was 306.56 Mb,covering 82.75%of the genome.Plant height and effective tiller spike of the whole line were investigated in Sanya,Hainan province and Youxi,Fujian province.Combined with genotype,QTL analysis of plant height and effective tiller spike was performed by using complete interval mapping.A total of 9 QTLs affecting plant height were detected in the 2 environments,distributed on chromosomes 2,3,7,8 and 11.Only qPH-3 on chromosome 3 was detected in both environments;A QTL qPH-8-1 significantly correlated with plant height was identified,with LOD value of 16.79 and phenotypic contribution rate of 9.16%.Fourteen effective tiller QTLs were detected,distributed on chromosomes 2,3,4,5,6 and 7,and qETN-7-3,qETN-7-4 and qETN-7-8 were detected in both environments.A QTL,qETN-7-6,with a LOD value of 58.28 and a phenotypic contribution rate of 32.86%,significantly correlated with the number of effective tillers was identified.This study provides the theoretical basis for fine QTL localization of plant height and tiller.


福建省农业科学院水稻研究所,福州 350019||福建省农业科学院闽台作物有害生物生态防控国家重点实验室,福州 350003||水稻国家工程实验室/杂交水稻国家重点实验室华南研究基地/福建省作物种质创新与分子育种省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地/国家水稻改良中心福州分中心/农业农村部华南杂交水稻种质创新与分子育种重点实验室/福建省作物分子育种工程实验室/福建省水稻分子育种重点实验室,福州 350003福建省尤溪县农业农村局农业推广中心,尤溪 365107



Annual wild rice'Fuhui 676'Chromosome fragment substitution linePlant heightEffective tiller number

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (009)

1959-1970 / 12


