

Identification of microRNA in'Xinyu'Grape(Vitis vinifera)and Its Response Analysis to High Temperature Stress


高温胁迫是制约果树生产的主要逆境胁迫之一.葡萄(Vitis vinifera)是世界范围内具有较高经济价值的栽培水果作物,其生长发育经常受到高温胁迫的影响.研究葡萄高温胁迫响应机制对了解葡萄对高温胁迫的驯化具有重要意义.本研究采集'新郁'葡萄叶片进行高通量测序,分别构建了对照组和高温胁迫处理组的小RNA(small RNA,sRNA)文库,鉴定了一系列高温应激反应miRNA,并分析了其在高温耐受反应中的功能.共鉴定得到171个已知miRNA和251个新miRNA,其中6个已知miRNA和21个新鉴定miRNA在高温胁迫下差异表达,预测获得这些差异表达的miRNA靶基因共计297个.通过qRT-PCR对筛选出的10个miRNA及其靶基因表达进行了验证,结果表明这些靶基因对高温胁迫有明显响应.基因功能和通路分析表明,这些基因可能在耐高温胁迫中起重要作用.本研究结果为进一步了解果树驯化过程中的高温胁迫反应以及选育耐高温胁迫葡萄品种提供了理论基础.

High temperature stress is one of the primary abiotic stresses that restrict fruit tree production.Grape(Vitis vinifera)is a cultivated fruit crop with high economic value worldwide,and its growth and development are often affected by high temperature stress.Studying the response mechanism of grapes to high temperature stress is of great significance for understanding the domestication of grapes to high temperature stress.In this study,'Xinyu'grape leaves were collected for high-throughput sequencing and small RNA(sRNA)libraries were constructed for the control group and the high-temperature stress treatment group,respectively.A series of miRNAs related to high temperature stress response were identified,and their functions in high temperature tolerance response were analyzed.A total of 171 known miRNAs and 251 new miRNAs were identified,among which 6 known miRNAs and 21 new identified miRNAs were differentially expressed under high temperature stress.A total of 297 target genes were predicted for these differentially expressed miRNAs.The expression of 10 selected miRNAs and their target genes was validated through qRT-PCR,indicating that these target genes had a significant response to high temperature stress.Gene function and pathway analysis indicated that these genes might play an important role in high temperature stress tolerance.The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for further understanding the high-temperature stress response during fruit tree domestication and the breeding of grape varieties resistant to high-temperature stress.


中国医学科学院北京协和医学院药用植物研究所,北京 100193北京林业大学林学院,北京 100083吐鲁番市葡萄产业发展促进中心,吐鲁番 838000吐鲁番丝路明珠农业生物科技有限公司,吐鲁番 838000吐鲁番市葡萄产业发展促进中心,吐鲁番 838000吐鲁番市葡萄产业发展促进中心,吐鲁番 838000青海大学农牧学院,西宁 810016北京林业大学林学院,北京 100083北京林业大学林学院,北京 100083北京林业大学林学院,北京 100083霍恩海姆大学,德国斯图加特北京林业大学林学院,北京 100083



GrapemiRNAHigh temperature StressHigh-throughput sequencing

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (9)



