

Cloning,Expression Analysis and Functional Identification of SOCS3 Gene in Anhui White Goat(Capra hircus)


细胞因子信号转导抑制因子3(suppressor of cytokine signaling 3,SOCS3)是一种对信号传导作出应答的蛋白,具有调控乳蛋白合成的作用.αS1-酪蛋白是奶畜乳中最主要的过敏原之一,然而SOCS3对山羊(Capra hircus)αS1-酪蛋白合成的影响尚不清楚.为了阐明SOCS3在山羊乳腺中的基因序列、结构、表达情况以及SOCS3对αS1-酪蛋白表达的影响,本研究以安徽白山羊乳腺组织为实验材料,通过PCR克隆SOCS3基因编码区序列,利用在线软件对其进行生物信息学分析,检测SOCS3在不同泌乳时期的表达情况,干扰与过表达SOCS3进行功能分析.结果表明,本研究成功克隆得到山羊SOCS3基因完整编码区为690 bp,编码229个氨基酸;蛋白分子量为25.09 kD,理论等电点为8.97,存在34个磷酸化位点,无信号肽和跨膜螺旋结构,为携带正电荷的不稳定蛋白;SOCS3蛋白与SOCS2、Janus激酶(Janus kinase,JAK)、酪氨酸激酶2(tyrosine kinase 2,TYK2)、胰岛素受体底物2(insulin receptor substrate 2,IRS2)、瘦素受体(leptin receptor,LEPR)和白介素6(interleukin 6,IL6)等蛋白存在互作关系;山羊SOCS3基因与绵羊(Ovis aries)亲缘关系最近,其次是牛(Bos taurus);SOCS3基因在泌乳初期和盛期表达量最高.在山羊乳腺上皮细胞中,干扰SOCS3基因显著上调αS1-酪蛋白的表达水平,过表达SOCS3基因显著下调αS1-酪蛋白的表达水平.以上结果表明,SOCS3在山羊αS1-酪蛋白合成中具有负向调控作用.本研究为开展SOCS3基因在山羊αS1-酪蛋白合成中的调控机制研究提供基础.

Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3(SOCS3)is a protein that responds to signal transduction and regulates milk protein synthesis.αS1-casein is one of the most important allergens in ruminant milk.However,the effect of SOCS3 on αS1-casein synthesis in goats(Capra hircus)is still unclear.To elucidate the gene sequence,structure and expression of SOCS3,and the effect of SOCS3 on αS1-casein expression in goat mammary gland,in this study,Anhui white goat mammary tissue was used as experimental material,SOCS3 gene coding region sequence was cloned by PCR.Bioinformatics analysis was conducted by online software,the expression of SOCS3 in different lactation periods was detected,interference and overexpression of SOCS3 were performed for functional analysis.The results showed that the complete coding region of SOCS3 gene in goats was 690 bp,encoding 229 amino acids.The molecular weight of SOCS3 protein was 25.09 kD,the theoretical isoelectric point was 8.97.There were 34 phosphorylation sites,no signal peptide and transmembrane helix structure,and SOCS3 was an unstable protein carrying positive charge.SOCS3 protein interacted with SOCS2,Janus kinase(JAK),tyrosine kinase 2(TYK2),insulin receptor substrate 2(IRS2),leptin receptor(LEPR)and interleukin 6(IL6)and other proteins.SOCS3 gene of goat was most closely related to sheep,followed by cattle(Bos taurus).The expression of SOCS3 gene was the highest in the early and peak lactation periods.In goat mammary epithelial cells,interference with SOCS3 gene significantly up-regulated αS1-casein expression,and overexpression of SOCS3 gene significantly down-regulated αS1-casein expression.These results indicated that SOCS3 had a negative regulatory effect on αS1-casein synthesis in goats.This study provides a basis for studying the regulatory mechanism of SOCS3 gene in goat αS1-casein synthesis.


安徽农业大学动物科技学院,合肥 230036安徽农业大学动物科技学院,合肥 230036||安徽省地方畜禽遗传资源保护与生物育种重点实验室,合肥 230036



Anhui white goatSuppressor of cytokine signaling 3(SOCS3)Bioinformatics analysisαS1-Casein

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (009)

2071-2080 / 10


