

Predictive modeling of the surface pattern of double-sided polishing process of optical components


针对双面抛光难以建立稳定去除函数进行加工面型预测这一问题,基于双面抛光加工原理,采用坐标变换法推导出元件上下表面相对速度分布方程,然后运用ANSYS软件仿真元件上下表面静态压力分布,采用多项式拟合法将仿真数据导入Matlab软件拟合出元件上下表面压力分布随时间变化公式.根据Preston方程推导修正系数K表达式,通过 4组抛光实验数据计算出修正系数K值为 2.588×10-15,构建双面抛光加工面型预测模型.最后通过加工实验验证该预测模型,实验结果表明预测PV值误差占元件实际加工后面型PV值的1.07%~7.4%,预测模型与实际加工后的面型吻合.

To address the challenge of establishing a stable removal function for double-sided polishing to predict the finished surface profile,we use the coordinate transformation method to derive the relative velocity distribution equations for the upper and lower surfaces of the component.Subsequently,static pressure distributions on both surfaces are simulated using ANSYS software.The simulation data is then imported into Matlab and fitted with a polynomial method to determine the time-varying pressure distribution formulas for the component's surfaces.Based on the Preston equation,an expression for the correction coefficient K is derived.The value of the correction coefficient K is calculated to be 2.588×10-15 from four sets of polishing experimental data,enabling the construction of a predictive model for the surface pattern in double-sided polishing processes.The predictive model is ultimately validated through machining experiments.The experimental results indicate that the error in predicting the PV(Peak-to-Valley)value accounts for 1.07%to 7.4%of the actual PV value after processing,demonstrating good agreement between the predicted model and the actual post-processing surface pattern.


中国兵器科学研究院宁波分院,浙江宁波 315103南京理工大学机械工程学院,南京 210094



double-sided polishingsurface patternpredictive modelingexperimental validation

《强激光与粒子束》 2024 (009)

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