

Analysis of the influence of key parameters of step-frequency radar on false alarm signal


为掌握雷达装备关键参数对虚警信号的影响规律,揭示虚警信号产生的本质原因,针对雷达装备在复杂电磁干扰中出现的多虚警信号问题,以某型步进频雷达为受试对象,理论阐明虚警干扰的作用机理和虚警目标的成像特征.理论与试验测定相结合,选取单频连续波为电磁干扰源,采用注入等效替代电磁辐射的试验方法,总结归纳雷达关键参数跳频间隔和频率步进对虚警信号影响规律.结果表明:受试雷达在单频电磁干扰作用下会产生能量较集中的虚警信号;受试雷达频率步进选取 10 kHz、跳频时间 0.05 ms时,虚警电平随干扰频偏的变化规律较稳定,信号幅度损失较小,该参数取值可作为控制参数的最优取值,依据该结果能够为后续开展雷达装备在多频电磁环境下的试验评估提供技术支撑.

Aiming at the problem of multiple false alarm signals of radar equipment in complex electromagnetic interference,in order to get the influence law of key parameters of radar equipment on false alarm signals,and to reveal the essential causes of false alarm signals,taking a type of stepper frequency ranging radar as the test object,this paper theoretically explains the mechanism of false alarm interference and the imaging characteristics of false alarm targets.Combining theoretical and experimental measurements,single-frequency continuous wave is selected as the source of electromagnetic interference,and the test method of injecting equivalent alternative electromagnetic radiation is adopted to summarize and generalize the influence of the critical radar parameters including frequency hopping interval and stepping frequency on the false alarm signal.The results show that the single-frequency electromagnetic interference of the test radar generates false alarm signal.When the frequency stepping of the tested radar is selected as 10 kHz and the frequency hopping time is 0.05 ms,the variation of false alarm level with interference frequency offset is relatively stable,and the signal amplitude loss is relatively small.The values can be used as the optimal control parameter values,and on this basis,it can provide technical support for subsequent experimental evaluation of radar equipment in multi frequency electromagnetic environments.


陆军工程大学(石家庄校区),石家庄 050003



step-frequency radarelectromagnetic interferencefalse alarm signalfrequency hopping timefrequency stepping

《强激光与粒子束》 2024 (009)

44-51 / 8


