

Study on response relationship between hydrodynamic optimization scheduling and water environment improvement in plain river networks


平原河网河道流动性较差是引起水环境污染严重的主要原因,引调水是改善平原河网地区水环境的重要措施之一.本文以佛山市三山围为例,基于实测资料构建了河网水动力水质耦合模型,采用 15 天的连续水动力水质监测数据对模型进行了验证,并将NSE和RMSE模型评价指标用于模型评价.同时结合地势、潮汐规律和景观水位等设计了 4 种闸控模式和 7 种景观控制水位,共 28 种模拟工况,模拟分析了不同条件下的水动力水质改善与内外江潮位变化、引排水流量及其空间分布、闸控方式和景观水位等综合响应机理.结果表明:构建的模型合理可靠.研究区域受引排水路径的影响,河道流动性差异较为显著.综合考虑河道流量分布、水流路径、分汊河道分流作用和外江污染物浓度等对河道水质的作用效果并有效结合潮汐河网的动态水环境容量和污染源排放的时空分布对水环境的改善作用将非常显著.与低景观控制水位相比,高景观控制水位的内江动态水环境容量相对较大,污染物浓度较低.景观控制水位从0.2 m上升至0.8 m时,不同引调水路径的引水流量上升28.00%~64.70%,断面氨氮浓度削减了0.85~5.50 mg/L,削减比例达到28.89%~67.23%.本研究为平原潮汐河网水环境优化调度研究提供了新的思路,为相关部门对平原河网的水环境改善提供了重要的参考.

The poor water mobility of river channels in a plain river network region is the main cause of severe water environment pollution;water diversion is an important measure to improve the water environment in such regions.This paper constructs a hydrodynamic and water quality coupling model for river networks based on the measured data,and presents an application to the Sanshanwei area in Foshan,Guangdong.This model is verified against a 15-day continuous series of hydrodynamic and water quality monitoring data,and it is evaluated using the NSE and RMSE indexes.For this area,we have designed four gate control modes and seven landscape control water levels based on its terrain features,tidal motions,and landscape requirements.A total of 28 simulation conditions are used to simulate the river networks and analyze the mechanism of its all-sided responses to different conditions-including the improvement of its hydrodynamic and water quality and the variations in the tidal levels of its inner and outer rivers;water diversion flow and drainage flow,and their spatial distributions;gate control modes and landscape water levels.The results show the model is reasonable and reliable.The study area is affected by its drainage path and has a significant difference in river flow mobility.We have achieved very significant improvement of the water environment through considering comprehensively the effects of river flow distribution,water flow path,and diversion effect of bifurcated river channels;considering the pollutant concentration in the outer rivers on the water quality;combining effectively the dynamic water environment capacity of the tidal river network and the spatial and temporal distribution of pollution source discharge.Compared with the low landscape control water level,our control modes of high landscape water levels can increase the dynamic water environment capacity of inner rivers,resulting in relatively low pollutant concentration.When the control level is raised from 0.2 to 0.8 m,the diversion flows in different diversion paths are increased by 28.0%-64.7%,and the ammonia nitrogen concentration in the section reduced by 0.85-5.50 mg/L or a reduction ratio of 28.9%-67.2%.This study presents a new idea for scheduling optimization and water environment in plain tidal river networks,useful for designing corresponding engineering measures.


西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048西安理工大学 省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,西安 710048中规院(北京)规划设计有限公司,北京 100044中规院(北京)规划设计有限公司,北京 100044



SWMMone dimensional river network modelwater diversion schemelandscape control water levelhydrodynamic-water quality couple model

《水力发电学报》 2024 (8)



