

Soil Water-holding Capacity of Soil and Water Conservation Forest Land After Stand Reconstruction


[目的]研究林分改造后的林地水文生态特征,分析水土保持林的持水特性,为南方红壤水土流失区的生态治理、植被恢复以及树种配置提供参考.[方法]选择福建省长汀县红壤侵蚀区松林改造后营造的千年桐生态林作为研究对象,以林外草坡作为对照,比较千年桐生态林和草坡的枯落物持水性能指标之间的差异,同时测定千年桐林分0-60 cm不同土层土壤物理性质,并利用隶属函数对林地持水性能进行综合评价.[结果]千年桐枯落物持水量始终高于对照,浸水前为对照的1.15倍,浸水24 h后为对照的2.10倍;浸水0.25 h时,千年桐和对照的枯落物吸水速率分别为1 723.64,700.8 mm/h.千年桐林地的枯落物累积量、枯落物最大持水量、枯落物有效拦蓄量均显著高于对照.林地0-10 cm 土层的土壤容重显著低于其他土层,而最大持水量、毛管持水量、田间持水量、毛管孔隙度和总孔隙度均显著高于其他土层;0-20 cm 土层的土壤有效蓄水量和有效水储量显著低于20-60 cm 土层.林地持水性能的综合评价结果表明土壤毛管孔隙度的综合评价值较高,而土壤自然含水率的综合评价值较低.[结论]千年桐生态林枯落物持水性能较好,土壤通气、透水性较高.从林分综合评价来看,与土壤孔隙度,特别是毛管孔隙度相关的指标对于提高千年桐生态林持水性能具有重要影响.

[Objective]The hydrological and ecological traits,and the water-holding characteristics of a forest after stand reconstruction were analyzed in order to provide a reference for ecological management,vegetation restoration,and tree species allocation in red soil erosion areas in Southern China.[Methods]This study was conducted at an Aleurites montana stand that was established after pine forest reconstruction in an erosion area of Changting County,Fujian Province.Differences in litterfall water retention indicators were compared between the A.montana stand and a grassy slope(CK).The soil physical properties of the 0-60 cm soil layer under the A.montana stand were measured,and the water retention performance of the stand was comprehensively evaluated by the subordinate function method.[Results]The water retention of the litter in the A.montana stand was always higher than that of CK,which was 1.15 times the value of CK before immersion and 2.10 times the value of CK after immersion for 24 hours.The water absorption rates of the litter in the A.montana stand and CK were 1 723.64 and 700.8 mm/h,respectively,after immersion for 0.25 h.The cumulative amount,maximum water-holding capacity,and effective storage amount of litter in the A.montana stand were significantly higher than those in CK.The soil bulk density of the 0-10 cm soil layer was significantly lower than that of other soil layers,while the maximum water-holding capacity,capillary water-holding capacity,field water-holding capacity,capillary porosity,and total porosity were significantly higher than those of other soil layers.The soil effective water storage and effective water reserve were significantly lower in the 0-20 cm layer than in the 20-60 cm layer.The comprehensive evaluation of the stand showed that the evaluation value of soil capillary porosity was higher,while that of soil natural moisture content was lower among all the indicators.[Conclusion]The A.montana stand had high water-holding capacity in the litter,as well as favorable aeration and water permeability characteristics in the soil.The comprehensive evaluation of the A.montana stand suggested that soil porosity,especially capillary porosity,played an important role in improving the water-holding performance of the stand.


福建省水土保持试验站,福建 福州 350003福建农林大学林学院,福建福州 350002福建省水土保持试验站,福建 福州 350003福建省水土保持试验站,福建 福州 350003福建省水土保持试验站,福建 福州 350003长汀县水土保持站,福建长汀 366300



stand transformationsoil and water conservation forestwater-holding capacityAleurites montanaChangting County of Fujian Province

《水土保持通报》 2024 (3)



