

Geochemistry characteristics of the Late Permian stone coal elements in north-central region of Hunan province


湘中北地区晚二叠世吴家坪组赋存少量石煤,其属性特征鲜明.为揭示湘中北地区石煤元素地球化学特征,采集4 个湘中北地区晚二叠世石煤样品,利用X射线衍射仪、带能谱的扫描电镜、X射线荧光光谱仪、电感耦合等离子质谱仪和逐级化学提取试验,测定了石煤样品的矿物成分、常量元素和微量元素含量,进行了微量元素赋存状态分析.结果表明:湘中北地区晚二叠世石煤高灰特征显著,石煤全硫含量差异性大,以硫化铁为主,有机硫次之;石煤矿物种类较少,以石英为主,陆源碎屑输入量极大;石煤高度富集V、Cr、As、Cd、Mo和Sb,其中Cd达到了上地壳丰度的555 倍;石煤微量元素赋存特征复杂,其中Ni、Zn、Sr、Mo、Cd 赋存状态多样,Li、V、Cr、Cu、Rb、Zr、Ba、U和REEs赋存状态相对简单;根据湘中北晚二叠世石煤元素地球化学特征认为石煤沉积于被动大陆边缘区域,接受陆源碎屑输入,沉积物源区以长英质酸性岩为主.石煤具有海相环境沉积物特征,沉积过程受海水影响强烈,相对稳定的缺氧环境,为V、Mo等元素自生富集提供了条件.

The Wujiaping Formation of the Late Permian in the central northern regions of Hunan Prov-ince contains a small amount of stone coal with distinct attribute characteristics.In order to reveal the geochemical characteristics of stone coal elements in the north-central regions of Hunan province,four late Permian stone coal samples from north-central regions of Hunan province were collected.The min-eral composition,major element and trace element contents,and the occurrence state of trace elements of stone coal samples were determined and analyzed by X-ray diffractometer,scanning electron micro-scope with energy spectrum,X-ray fluorescence spectrometer,inductively coupled plasma mass spec-trometer and stepwise leaching experiments.The results show that the high ash characteristics of Late Permian coal in the central and northern regions of Hunan are significant,with differences in total sul-fur content.Iron sulfide is the main component,followed by organic sulfur.There are relatively few types of coal minerals,mainly quartz,with a large input of terrestrial debris.The stone coal is highly en-riched in V,Cr,As,Cd,Mo and Sb,with Cd reaching 555 times the abundance of the upper crust.The occurrence characteristics of trace elements in late Permian stone coals are complex,in which the oc-currence states of Ni,Zn,Sr,Mo and Cd are rich,while the occurrence states of Li,V,Cr,Cu,Rb,Zr,Ba,U and REEs are relatively simple.According to the geochemistry characteristics of the late Permian stone coal in central and northern regions of Hunan,it is considered that the stone coal is deposited in the passive continental margin area,receiving the input of terrigenous detritus,and the sedimentary source area is dominated by felsic acid rocks.The sedimentary process of stone coal is strongly influ-enced by seawater,and the relative stable anoxic environment provides conditions for the self-enrich-ment of elements such as V and Mo.


西安科技大学 地质与环境学院,陕西 西安 710054||陕西省煤炭绿色开发地质保障重点实验室,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 地质与环境学院,陕西 西安 710054



north-central region of Hunan provincestone coalelementsgeochemistry

《西安科技大学学报》 2024 (004)

738-747 / 10


