

Analysis of the Changes in Peasants Access Based on the Red Rice Value Chain in the Hani Terraced Fields of Yuanyang


根据2009-2011 年和2020-2021 年两个时间段在云南元阳哈尼梯田地区的田野调查,采用资源获益能力理论以及价值链分析框架,对构建的两条间隔约 10 年的红米价值链进行了比较分析.在哈尼梯田红米商品化过程中,当地经济、政策、社会文化等要素的变化重塑了红米价值链.梯田红米通过专业合作社管理、绿色食品认证、品牌包装、电商推广等政策措施实现了价值增值,小农户在这一过程中获益能力持续增强,但也存在获益不均、发展不平衡等问题.为推进"脱贫攻坚"到"乡村振兴"的有效衔接,有关部门在进一步提升梯田红米商业价值助力乡村产业振兴过程中,应通过政策调整同时提升在红米种植中小农户获得利益的公正性、稳定性和持续性,保障小农户持续获益.

This study conducted a comparative analysis on 2 value chains of Hani Terraced Red Rice separated by approximately 10 years.The data collected from the field work in Hani Terraced fields of Yuanyang County in 2 periods of 2009-2011 and 2020-2021.In the commercialization process of Hani Red Rice,the changes in local e-conomic,policy,social,and cultural factors reshaped the value chain of Hani Red Rice.The value-added of ter-raced red rice was realized through policy measures such as the management of specialized cooperatives,green food certification,brand packaging and e-commerce promotion;peasants'access from red rice has been steadily en-hanced,but there are problems like income inequality and unbalanced development.For effective connection from'Poverty Alleviation'to'Rural Revitalization',relevant departments should raise the commercial value of red rice on the one hand,and improve peasants'access to red rice continually,equally and stably on the other hand,to guarantee continuous benefits for peasants through policy adjustment.


云南省社会科学院,云南 昆明 650034



access theoryvalue chainred ricepeasantHani terraced field

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (008)

46-53 / 8

