

Research on the Impact of Green Technology Innovation on Carbon Emission Reduction Based on Meta-analysis


碳达峰、碳中和是中国未来重要的战略目标之一,绿色技术创新有望成为实现碳减排的主要动力,但关于绿色技术创新对碳减排影响的判断仍未统一.基于国内外数据库的 39 篇文献,运用Meta分析方法探究中国范围内绿色技术创新对碳减排的影响并得出结论:从主效应来看,现阶段绿色技术创新能够促进碳减排目标实现.从调节效应来看,空间特征、时间跨度及文献特征是相关研究高度异质性的来源.绿色技术创新测度、数据来源则非显著影响因素,但仍有隐性条件需要探究.

Carbon peak and carbon neutrality are among China's most crucial strategic objectives in the future.Green technology innovation is expected to become the main driving force for carbon emission reduction.However,the judgment on the impact of green technology innovation on carbon emission reduction is still not uniform.Based on 39 literatures in China and foreign databases,this paper uses Meta-analysis method to explore the impact of green technology innovation on carbon emission reduction in China and draws the following conclusions:From the main effect,green technology innovation can promote the realization of carbon emission reduction targets.From the perspective of moderating effect,spatial characteristics,time span and literature characteristics are the sources of high heterogeneity of related research.The measurement of green technology innovation and data sources are not sig-nificant influencing factors,but conditions that remain to be explored.


浙江农林大学经济管理学院,浙江 杭州 311300||浙江农林大学浙江省乡村振兴研究院,浙江 杭州 311300||浙江农林大学生态文明研究院,浙江 杭州 311300浙江农林大学经济管理学院,浙江 杭州 311300



green technology innovationcarbon emission reductionMeta-analysis

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (008)

87-95 / 9

