

Research on the Construction and Application of the Creative Thinking Evaluation Index System in STEM Classrooms


STEM教育的跨学科性、探究性、协作性为创造性思维培养提供了良好的环境氛围与基础条件,然而当前STEM课堂学生创造性思维评估难题却始终未得到有效解决.研究基于创造性思维内涵要素解构以及PISA 2021 创造性思维评估模型等现有理论基础,构建STEM课堂中创造性思维评价指标框架,结合专家意见和建议形成了包括"想法生成""实施探索""分析评估""迭代优化""协作沟通"5 个一级指标、20 个二级指标的STEM课堂中创造性思维评价指标体系,并通过层次分析法说明评价指标体系结构维度及权重分配的合理性,最终将指标体系应用于教学实践以反思效果并提出建议.研究为构建科学合理的评价指标体系、有效评估STEM学生的创造性思维提供了重要支撑和决策依据.

The interdisciplinary,inquiry-based,and collaborative nature of STEM education provides a good environment and foundation for creative thinking development,yet the current challenges of assessing students'creative thinking in STEM classrooms have not been effectively addressed.Based on the existing theoretical basis of the deconstruction of the connotation elements of creative thinking and the PISA 2021 creative thinking evaluation model,this paper constructed the evaluation index framework of creative think-ing in STEM classrooms.After consulting some experts and scholars,the research revised and formed the evaluation indicator system of creative thinking in STEM classroom,which consisted of five first level indicators including"idea generation""implementation explo-ration""iterative optimization""analysis and evaluation""collaborative communication",20 second-level indicators.To ensure the scien-tificity of indicator system evaluation,hierarchical analysis was used to determine the weights of each indicator.The evaluation indica-tor system was applied to teaching practice to reflect on the effect and make suggestions.This study provided an important support and decision basis for constructing a scientific evaluation index system and effectively assessing the creative thinking of STEM students.


华东师范大学教育信息技术学系(上海 216200)上海市格致中学(上海 216200)香港大学教育学院(香港 999077)



Creative ThinkingEvaluation Indicator SystemSTEM

《远程教育杂志》 2024 (004)

87-93 / 7


