Multi-plan Collaborative Rescheduling of High-speed Train Operation Considering the Utilization of Rolling Stock and Arrival and Departure Tracks
随着我国高速铁路快速发展,"八纵八横"高铁路网加密成型,呈现出运行环境复杂、行车密度高及长交路跨线运营等典型特征.一旦遭受大风、红光带、接触网挂异物和设备故障等突发事件,则将导致列车偏离运行计划,进而影响到发线运用和动车组(Eletric multiple units,EMU)周转计划.如何在调整运行图的同时保证动车组和到发线运用的可行性是提高列车运行调整效率的关键.针对区间双向中断场景下到发线运用冲突和动车组接续计划失效问题,采用取消列车、变更列车到发时刻、更换到发线、备用动车组接续等策略对运行图、动车组和到发线运用计划进行调整.基于事件-活动网络建立考虑动车组接续和到发线运用的列车运行协同调整模型,设计两阶段求解方法对模型求解.运用京津城际实际数据对模型和方法进行仿真验证,结果表明相比于先到先服务(First come,first served,FCFS)策略,多计划协同调整策略能有效降低列车晚点时间.与整体求解方法相比,两阶段求解方法能够保证模型求得解的质量且有效提高模型求解效率.
With the rapid development of high-speed railways in China,the"eight vertical and eight horizontal"high-speed railway network has become denser,presenting typical characteristics such as complex operating environ-ments,high train densities,and long-distance cross-line operations.Once facing sudden events as strong winds,red light bands,foreign objects on overhand lines and equipment failures,trains will deviate from the operating plan,which in turn affects the departure line operation and electric multiple units(EMUs)turnover plan.Ensuring the feasibility of EMUs and departure line operations while adjusting timetable is crucial to improving the efficiency of train operation adjustments.To address departure line operations conflicts and EMU connection plans failure un-der the scenario of bidirectional interruptions between sections,strategies as canceling trains,changing train depar-ture times,switching departure lines,backup EMU connections are employed to adjust timetable,EMUs,and de-parture line operation plans.A train operation coordination adjustment model considering EMU connections and departure line operations is established based on event-activity network,a two-stage solving method is designed to solve the model.The model and method are validated using actual data from Beijing-Tianjin intercity railway,the results show that compared to"first come,first served(FCFS)"strategy,multi-plan coordination adjustment meth-od can effectively reduce train delay time.Compared with overall solving method,the two-stage solving method can ensure the model solution quality and effectively improve the model solving efficiency.
北京交通大学自动化与智能学院 北京 100044北京交通大学自动化与智能学院 北京 100044北京交通大学自动化与智能学院 北京 100044中国铁路北京局集团有限公司 北京 100860北京交通大学自动化与智能学院 北京 100044
Multi-plan collaborative reschedulingutilization of rolling stockarrival and departure track utiliza-tionevent-activity networktwo-stage solution
《自动化学报》 2024 (8)
国家自然科学基金(61925302,U2368204,62103033)资助Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(61925302,U2368204,62103033)