

Effect of Anerning Cranule on Acute Bronchitis with Fever in Children


目的 探讨对小儿急性支气管炎伴发热采用安儿宁颗粒治疗的临床效果.方法 选取2022年2月至2023年3月于瑞金市人民医院就诊的小儿急性支气管炎伴发热患儿78例作为研究对象,随机分为对照组与观察组,各39例.对照组予以注射用阿莫西林克拉维酸钾治疗,观察组采用安儿宁颗粒治疗.比较两组患儿治疗前后临床症状积分、炎症指标、免疫功能以及肺功能.结果 治疗后两组发热、咳嗽、咳痰、肺啰音积分降低,且观察组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).治疗后两组白细胞计数、C反应蛋白水平降低,且观察组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).治疗后两组免疫球蛋白A、免疫球蛋白G、免疫球蛋白M水平升高,且观察组高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).治疗后两组潮气量、呼气吸气时间比升高,呼吸频率降低,且观察组变化幅度显著大于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 安儿宁颗粒可抑制小儿急性支气管炎伴发热患儿的炎症反应,改善相关症状及免疫功能,有助于其肺功能早日恢复正常.

Objective To explore the clinical effect of Anerning granule on acute bronchitis with fever in children.Methods A total of 78 children with acute bronchitis with fever treated in Ruijin People's Hospital from February 2022 to March 2023 were selected as the study objects and randomly divided into control group and observation group,with 39 cases in each group.The control group was treated with amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium for injection,and the observation group was treated with An'erning granule.Clinical symptom score,inflammatory index,immune function and lung function were compared between the two groups before and after treatment.Results After treatment,the scores of fever,cough,sputum and pulmonary rales in the two groups were decreased,and the observation group was lower than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).After treatment,the white blood cell count and C-reactive protein level of the two groups were decreased,and the observation group was lower than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).After treatment,the levels of immunoglobulin A,immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M in the two groups were increased,and the observation group was higher than the control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).After treatment,tidal volume,expiratory and inspiratory time increased,and respiratory rate decreased,and the change range of observation group was significantly greater than that of control group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Anerning granules can inhibit the inflammatory response of acute bronchitis with fever in children,improve the related symptoms and immune function,and help the lung function of children to return to normal as soon as possible.


瑞金市人民医院儿科,江西赣州 342500



Anerning granuleAcute bronchitis in children with feverLung function

《中国药物经济学》 2024 (8)


