

Performance Comparison of Several New Stabilizers for Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching of Chemi-mechanical Pulp


本研究探讨了3种稳定剂(LS-8838、SB-005和KML)替代传统Na2SiO3用于化机浆过氧化氢漂白的可行性及优缺点,优化了漂白稳定剂的使用条件,比较了3种漂白稳定剂与Na2SiO3在过氧化氢漂白过程中的结垢现象.结果表明,针对未漂杨木化学机械浆进行过氧化氢漂白,当NaOH用量3%、H2O2用量5%、漂白时间60 min时,漂白稳定剂(LS-8838、SB-005、KML)的最佳使用条件均为添加量0.3%、浆浓25%,漂白温度80 ℃.3种漂白稳定剂添加量为0.3%的漂白效果均能达到Na2SiO3添加量为1.5%的漂白效果,纸浆白度分别为75.4%、76.4%、74.4%;与Na2SiO3漂白相比,残余H2O2含量分别提高了 62.5%、135.4%和87.5%;纸张抗张指数分别提高了 14.3%、18.6%、0.6%.其中SB-005处理过的纸浆白度、纸张抗张强度最佳,但其硅含量较高,结垢现象比较严重;无磷低硅LS-8838与含磷无硅KML的漂白效果(残余H2O2含量、白度、强度)也优于Na2SiO3的漂白效果,其中LS-8838漂白效果最佳且无结垢现象,可作为Na2SiO3的替代品.

In this study,the feasibility,advantages and disadvantages of three stabilizers(LS-8838,SB-005 and KML)replacing tradition-al sodium silicate for hydrogen peroxide bleaching of chemical pulp were discussed.The using conditions of bleaching stabilizers were opti-mized.The scaling phenomena between these three types bleaching stabilizers and Na2SiO3 in hydrogen peroxide bleaching process were compared.The results showed that when the dosage of NaOH was 3%,the dosage of H2O2 was 5%,and the bleaching time was 60 min,the optimal dosage of bleaching stabilizer(LS-8838,SB-005,KML)was 0.3%,pulp concentration was 25%,and bleaching temperature was 80 ℃.The bleaching effect with dosage of Na2SiO3 of 1.5%could be achieved by adding three bleaching stabilizers with dosage of 0.3%,and the brightness was 75.4%,76.4%and 74.4%,respectively.The amount of residual H2O2 was 62.5%,135.4%and 87.5%,and the tensile strength of the paper made from it was increased by 14.3%,18.6%and 0.6%,respectively.Among them,the slurry treated by SB-005 had the best brightness and strength,but its silicon content was higher and the scaling phenomenon was more serious.The bleaching ef-fect(amount of residual H2O2,whiteness,and intensity)of LS-8838 and phosphorus-containing silica-free KML was also better than that of Na2SiO3,among which LS-8838 had the best bleaching effect and no scaling phenomenon,and could be used as a substitute for sodium silicate.





chemi-mechanical pulphydrogen peroxidebleaching stabilizerscaling phenomenon

《中国造纸》 2024 (007)

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