

Experimental Investigation of Heat Pump Water Heater Using CO2 Zeotropic Mixture with Large Temperature Glide for Waste Heat Recovery


通过热泵技术将生产/生活中的低品位余热提质增效具有广泛的应用潜力.其中,非共沸工质能够实现热泵循环换热过程中的温度匹配,实现余热资源的深度利用.基于水源热泵热水实验台对基于大滑移温度的CO2/R1234yf、CO2/R290、CO2/R600a和CO2/R32非共沸工质进行实验分析,并以R290工质作为对照,研究蒸发器与冷凝器同时满足大温差情况下的热泵性能表现.结果表明:非共沸工质充注量主要影响循环过冷度,进而影响系统COP,当CO2/R1234yf的质量分数为15%/85%时,循环存在最优充注量,在实验工况(热源进水温度25 ℃,出水温度5 ℃;热汇进水温度15℃,出水温度45 ℃)下最优充注量对应的COP为7.66.同时,在实验工况下,相较于R290单工质,CO2/R290工质对最优COP提升了 75.2%,对应q(单位容积制热量)提升了 107.7%;CO2/R1234yf工质对最优COP提升了 27.7%,对应qv提升了 92.0%;CO2/R32工质对最优COP提升了 15.0%;而CO2/R600a工质对最优COP仅提升1.7%,应用潜力较低.

Heat pump technology can be used to upgrade and enhance the quality of low-grade waste heat in production and daily life.Zeotropic mixtures can achieve temperature matching during the heat exchange process of heat pump cycles,which realizes in-depth utilization of waste heat resources.This study conducts an experimental analysis of CO2/R1234yf,CO2/R290,CO2/R600a,and CO2/R32 zeotropic mixtures using a water-source heat pump experimental system.The performances of heat pumps with evaporators and condensers that simultaneously satisfy high-temperature differences were investigated using the zeotropic mixture.Results show that the amount of charge in the zeotropic mixture primarily affects the degree of cycle subcooling,thereby influencing the coefficient of performance(COP)of the system.When the mass composition of CO2/R1234yf is 15%/85%,an optimal refrigerant charge,which corresponds to a COP of 7.66 under the experimental condition(heat source inlet water temperature at 25 ℃,outlet at 5 ℃;heat sink inlet water temperature at 15 ℃,outlet at 45 ℃)is obtained.Furthermore,compared with pure R290,the CO2/R290 working pair exhibits an enhancement of 75.2%in the optimal COP,with a corresponding increase of 107.7%in the volumetric heating capacity(qv).Similarly,the CO2/R1234yf working pair demonstrates an improvement of 27.7%in the optimal COP and an increase of 92.0%in qV.The CO2/R32 working pair exhibits a 15.0%increase in the optimal COP.However,the CO2/R600a working pair exhibited only a 1.7%enhancement in the optimal COP,indicating a relatively low application potential.


东南大学能源与环境学院 南京 211189


heat pumpwaste heat recoveryzeotropetemperature glide

《制冷学报》 2024 (004)

21-27 / 7

国家自然科学基金(51976033)资助项目.(The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51976033).) 本文受中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2242024K30007)和江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK20230846)资助.(The project was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(No.2242024K30007)and the Jiangsu Province Fundamental Research Project(No.BK20230846).)

