Relationship Between Radial Growth and Climatic Factors of Two Conifer Species in Lugu Lake
利用树轮年轮学的方法对2个树种年轮宽度和气候变化的响应关系进行分析,建立了2 个树种的树轮宽度差值年表,分析其径向生长与温度和降水的相关关系,从而得出影响云南泸沽湖长苞冷杉与丽江云杉径向生长的主要气候因子.结果表明:当年 1 月及 5月温度(负相关)、3月及5月降水和干旱指数(正相关)是影响2个树种生长的关键气候因子;另外上年9-12月降水的增加有利于丽江云杉的径向生长.
This paper analyzed the relationship between the characteristics of annual ring widths of the two species and their response to cli-mate change by using dendrochronology method.We established the residual chronologies of two species and analyzed the correlation between their radial growth and temperature and precipitation,so as to derive the main climatic factors affecting the radial growth of A.georgei and P.likiangensis in Lugu Lake.The results showed that temperature(negative correlation)in January and May,precipitation and drought index(positive correlation)in March and May were the key climatic factors affecting the growth of two tree species.In addition,the increase of pre-cipitation in September-December of the previous year was favorable to the radial growth of P.likiangensis.
贵州省湿地和公益林保护中心,贵州贵阳 550000西南林业大学湿地学院,云南昆明 650201
Northwestern Yunnan PlateauPicea likiangensisAbies georgeiAnnual ring widthClimate change
《安徽农业科学》 2024 (017)
119-121,210 / 4