Wave evolution and pressure distribution characteristics of the interaction between long-duration blast load and cylindrical structure
长脉宽爆炸波与结构作用的波传播及其载荷分布规律是大型爆炸防护设计与安全评估的重要基础.为了掌握长脉宽爆炸波与圆柱壳的相互作用机制及其作用下圆柱壳表面的载荷分布规律,开展了 100 ms级冲击波圆柱绕流的激波管试验,并采用大涡模拟方法和高阶WENO-TCD(weighted essentially non-oscillatory-tuned centered difference)混合格式进一步对 150 ms长脉宽冲击波与圆柱作用过程的波系演化与压力分布进行了数值分析.结果表明:数值仿真与压力实测结果吻合较好,长脉宽作用下圆柱壳载荷分布呈现出明显的角度和高度相关性,背面压力高于侧面甚至与迎爆面相当,具有不同于传统短脉宽冲击波传播中的压力衰减模式.流场的压力云纹和波系三维结构演化揭示了侧端面的突然扩张是压力初期震荡及相比于正面和背面压力更低的主要原因;系列绕射激波在壳体背面碰撞与反射,以及序列减速激波在 135°相位附近的驻定与叠加作用,是引起背面压力呈现出载荷整体提升的主要机制.此外,背风面上尾涡结构的形成与演化过程受边界效应的影响是导致长脉宽圆柱壳载荷分布沿高度方向出现差异的关键因素.
The wave propagation and pressure distribution during the interaction between long duration blast waves and structures are important foundations for the large scale explosion protection design and safety assessment.In order to understand the interaction mechanism between long duration blast waves and cylindrical shells,as well as the distribution law of the surface load on the cylindrical shells under their action,the overpressure histories on the cylindrical structure surface were obtained through the 150 ms long duration blast wave shock tube experiment,and the shock wave evolution and the pressure load distribution were investigated numerically using the large eddy simulation and hybrid WENO-TCD(weighted essentially non-oscillatory-tuned centered difference)method.The results show that the overpressure load of the calculation results is in good agreement with the experimental results,and the overpressure load on the cylindrical shell appears a clear angle and height correlation.The pressure on the back shell is higher than that on the side surface or even comparable to the blast on the facing surface,which exhibit different pressure attenuation modes from the traditional short duration blast wave propagation.The sudden expansion on the side surface is the main reason for the initial oscillation of pressure,and has a lower pressure than that at the windward and leeward sides.On the other hand,a series of diffracted shock waves collides and reflects on the symmetry plane of the shell leeward,as well as the stationary and superimposed effects of the series of decelerating shock waves near the 135°phase,which are the main mechanisms that cause the overall increase of the pressure load on the cylindrical shell.In addition,the formation and evolution of wake vortex structures on the leeward side due to the boundary effects is a key factor leading to differences in the load distribution along the height direction.The above analysis methods and related results lay the foundation for the subsequent study of load distribution models for typical structural components under long duration blast waves.
中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621999中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621999中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621999中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621999南京理工大学瞬态物理重点实验室,江苏 南京 210094南京理工大学瞬态物理重点实验室,江苏 南京 210094中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621999
long-durationblast wavescylindrical shell structuresshock waves experiment
《爆炸与冲击》 2024 (8)