首页|期刊导航|电力科技与环保|350 MW超临界机组深度调峰工况下旁路供热蓄能调频研究与应用

350 MW超临界机组深度调峰工况下旁路供热蓄能调频研究与应用OA

Research and application of energy storage and frequency modulation for heating in deep regulation working condition of 350 MW supercritical units


某350 MW超临界火电机组在开展高低压旁路供热改造后一次调频能力显著下降,在深度调峰工况下调频动作15 s时负荷变动量无法满足75%额定负荷的要求.通过对汽机高压调节阀流量变化、调频控制回路、汽机主控回路等影响调频的因素进行综合分析,得出高压旁路供热分流引起锅炉蓄热不足是造成调频能力下降的主要原因.为提高低负荷下的锅炉蓄热,一方面利用能量平衡定律建立机炉两侧新的能量需求模型,实现供热高旁蒸汽的持续性补充,同时对调频阀位前馈回路、汽机主控前馈回路进行了增强,以提高调频负荷的快速响应;另一方面设计了供热高旁调阀超驰控制回路以实现蓄能辅助调频,即在调频动作后根据动作方向和幅度来对供热高旁进行超驰控制.试验结果表明:所提方法有效改善了机组在深度调峰模式下的调频蓄热能力,在25%额定负荷下顺利完成一次调频试验.

One of 350 MW supercritical thermal power unit has significantly reduced its primary frequency regulation ability after undergoing high and low bypass heating renovation. Under deep peak shaving conditions,the load variation cannot meet the requirement of 75% when the frequency regulation action is taken for 15 seconds. Through a comprehensive analysis of factors that affect frequency regulation,such as changes in flow rate of the high-pressure regulating valve of the steam turbine,frequency regulation control circuit,and main control circuit of the steam turbine,it is concluded that insufficient heat storage in the boiler caused by high-pressure bypass heating diversion is the main reason for the decrease in frequency regulation capacity. In order to improve the heat storage of boilers under low loads,on the one hand,a new energy demand model on both sides of the turbine and boiler is established using the direct energy balance law to achieve continuous supplementation of high bypass steam for heating. At the same time,the feed forward loop of the frequency control valve position and the main control of the turbine are enhanced to improve the fast response of the frequency control load;On the other hand,an override control circuit for the heating high bypass control valve was designed to achieve energy storage assisted frequency regulation,which means that after the frequency regulation action,the heating high bypass is controlled to override according to the direction and amplitude of the action. Through the above optimization,the unit successfully completed a frequency regulation test at 25% rated load.


京能十堰热电有限公司,湖北 十堰 442000


350 MW机组超临界深度调峰一次调频能量守恒高压旁路超驰控制

350 MWsupercriticaldepth peak load regulationprimary frequency modulationenergy conservationhigh-pressure bypassoverride control

《电力科技与环保》 2024 (004)

338-351 / 14


