Assessment of urban ecological quality based on the remote sensing green index:A case study of Nanjing City
城市生态环境质量的监测和评价对于城市可持续发展具有重要意义.为评价我国近海发达城市近年来生态环境质量,该文以南京市为例,基于2021年Sentinel-2A遥感影像,利用绿色空间、蓝色空间、建筑及不透水地表面构建了一种新的遥感绿色指数(remote sensing green index,RSGI)模型,并初次将模型应用于南京市的生态环境质量评价.首先,对南京市Sentinel-2A遥感影像进行神经网络监督分类,构建RSGI,用于评价南京市各区的生态环境质量;其次,运用皮尔逊相关系数分析了 RSGI与城市各生态要素之间的相关性;最后运用聚合层次聚类分析法分析了南京市各区之间的相似程度.结果表明:南京市生态环境质量呈现出中间低四周高的结构,其中六合区RSGI值最高(0.86),秦淮区最低(0.38),相差0.48;RSGI与绿色空间密度呈现0.01级别正相关趋势,与人口密度、建筑密度、不透水地表面密度呈现0.01级别负相关趋势;南京市11个区在城市生态要素方面以70%相似度为阈值可划分为4个集合,第一集合为秦淮区、鼓楼区和建邺区,第二集合为雨花台区和栖霞区,第三集合为玄武区和高淳区,第四集合由其他4个区组成.研究结果可为南京市未来城市规划与可持续发展提供科学依据.
The monitoring and assessment of urban ecological quality holds critical significance for sustainable urban development.To assess the ecological quality of developed coastal cities in China in recent years,this study investigated Nanjing City based on the Sentinel-2A remote sensing images obtained in 2021.It constructed a novel remote sensing green index(RSGI)model involving green spaces,blue spaces,buildings,and impervious surfaces for assessing the ecological quality of Nanjing.First,neural network supervised classification was applied to the Sentinel-2A remote sensing images,constructing the RSGI to assess the ecological quality of various districts in Nanjing.Then,the correlations between the RSGI and urban ecological factors were analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient.Finally,the ecological similarity between the districts was analyzed using the agglomerative hierarchical clustering method.The results of this study are as follows:(1)The ecological quality of Nanjing presented a pattern of low RSGI values in the central portion and high RSGI values in the surrounding areas,with the highest and lowest RSGI values(0.86 and 0.38)observed in Luhe and Qinhuai districts,respectively,differing by 0.48;(2)The RSGI exhibited a positive correlation with the density of green spaces and negative correlations with the densities of population,buildings,and impervious surfaces,all at the 0.01 level;(3)With the ecological similarity of 70%as the threshold,11 districts in Nanjing were categorized into four clusters:Qinhuai,Gulou,and Jianye districts in the first cluster,Yuhuatai and Qixia districts in the second cluster,Xuanwu and Gaochun districts in the third cluster,and the rest four districts in the fourth cluster.The results of this study can provide a scientific basis for subsequent urban planning and sustainable development of Nanjing.
河南理工大学测绘与国土信息工程学院,焦作 454000河南理工大学测绘与国土信息工程学院,焦作 454000中共焦作市委党校,焦作 454000
RSGIecological qualityPearson correlation coefficienturban blue-green spaceNanjing City
《自然资源遥感》 2024 (3)