Study on Temperature and Salt Resistance of Plugging Microspheres for Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoir
The stable development of shale oil and gas is a major problem for the long-term development of oil and gas energy.However,the traditional polymer plugging materials are not resistant to high temperature and salinity,which causes the ageing of the materials,so that the elasticity of the materials becomes weak and the migration ability becomes poor,which affects the plugging ability in the deep shale formation.And the plugging ability is also an important factor affecting the stable exploitation of shale reservoirs.In this paper,the relationship between the surface morphology,the high temperature and salt resistance and the plugging performance of the microspheres were studied.The results showed that the plugging ability of pure terpolymer microspheres decreased sharply and they were more sensitive to temperature and salinity,while nanocomposite microspheres had a better high temperature and salt resistance than pure terpolymer microspheres.And the plugging rate of nanocomposite microspheres did not decrease significantly.This showed that the nanocomposite microspheres had a good adaptability to the reservoir formation with high temperature and salinity.
广州合成材料研究院有限公司,广东广州 510665||中国石油大学(北京),北京 102249广州合成材料研究院有限公司,广东广州 510665广州合成材料研究院有限公司,广东广州 510665
nanocomposite microsphereshigh temperature and salt resistanceplugging property
《合成材料老化与应用》 2024 (4)