

Integrated Analysis of Effect of Plastic Film Mulching on Millet Yield


为了探明地膜覆盖条件下谷子产量效应的主要影响因素及其影响程度,采用整合分析法比较分析了地膜类型、田间管理措施和自然条件对谷子增产效应的影响.结果表明:与不覆膜相比,覆膜条件下谷子的平均增产率为35.5%(95%CI 26.5%~34.2%);覆盖不同类型地膜对谷子产量的提高幅度由大到小依次为渗水地膜(65.30%)>聚乙烯地膜(白色:36.62%;黑色:23.62%)>降解地膜(18.24%);在自然条件方面,地膜覆盖对西北地区谷子产量的提升幅度最显著,达到了61.20%,随后是西南地区和华北地区,分别提升了23.43%和17.87%,而华东地区的提升幅度最小,仅为10.97%;1997-2004、2017-2022年这两个时期覆膜后谷子增产率较高,分别为51.81%和42.48%;在年降水量<500 mm或年均气温8~12℃时,覆膜种植谷子的增产效果最好;在田间管理措施方面,当施氮量≤85 kg/hm2、施磷量<90 kg/hm2或施钾量≤45 kg/hm2时,谷子覆膜后的增产影响更显著;当种植密度<30万苗/hm2时谷子增产率比种植密度≥30万苗/hm2时高16.47个百分点;黑垆土田地上覆膜种植谷子的增产率最高.因此,提高谷子覆膜增产效应,需要综合考虑地膜类型、田间管理措施以及当地的自然条件等因素.

In order to explore the main influencing factors and influence degree of millet yield effect under plastic film mulching conditions,integrated analysis was used to compare and analyze the effects of plastic film types,field management measures and natural conditions on the yield-increasing effect of millet.The results showed that the average yield increase rate of millet under film mulching was 35.5%(95%CI 26.5%~34.2%)compared with that without film mulching.The increase of millet yield by different film types was in the order of water-permeable plastic film(65.30%)>polyethylene plastic film(white:36.62%;black:23.62%)>degradable film(18.24%).In terms of natural conditions,plastic film mulching had the most significant increase on millet yield in Northwest China,reaching 61.20%,followed by Southwest China and North China,which increased by 23.43%and 17.87%,respectively,while East China had the smallest increase of 10.97%.The yield increase rate of millet after film mulching was higher during 1997~2004 and 2017~2022,which were 51.81%and 42.48%,respectively.When the annual precipitation is less than 500 mm or the annual average temperature is 8~12℃,the effect of plastic film mulching on millet yield is the best.In terms of field management measures,when the amount of nitrogen application is≤85 kg/hm2,the amount of phosphorus application is<90 kg/hm2 or the amount of potassium application≤45 kg/hm2,the effect on the yield of millet after film mulching is more significant.The yield increase rate of foxtail millet with planting density<300000 seedlings/hm2 was 16.47 percentage points higher than that with planting density≥300000 seedlings/hm2.The yield increase rate of millet planting on black loessial soil field was the highest.Therefore,in order to improve the yield-increasing effect of millet film mulching,it is necessary to comprehensively consider the selection of film type,the rational allocation of field management measures and the local natural conditions.


山西农业大学 农业经济管理学院,山西 太原 030006贵州大学 农学院,贵州 贵阳 550025山西农业大学 农业经济管理学院,山西 太原 030006山西农业大学 农业经济管理学院,山西 太原 030006山西农业大学 农业经济管理学院,山西 太原 030006



Plastic film mulchingMilletYieldIntegrated analysis

《江西农业学报》 2024 (7)



