Clinical observation of intraocular pressure in miosis and mydriasis states after the implantation of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens with a central port
目的 观察散瞳或缩瞳对中央孔型有晶状体眼后房型人工晶状体(ICL V4c)植入术术后眼压的影响.方法 前瞻性病例对照研究.选取2021年9~12月于武汉普瑞眼科医院屈光专科行ICL V4c植入术患者102例(102只眼),随机分为缩瞳组48例(48只眼)和散瞳组54例(54只眼).两组患者术后分别使用相应的药物建立缩瞳、散瞳模型,分别于术前、术后2 h、术后4 h、术后1 d、术后1周、术后1个月检测并记录患者眼压,眼压异常者行相关降眼压处理.结…查看全部>>
Objective To observe the effects of mydriasis or miosis on intraocular pressure(IOP)after implanta-tion of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens with central hole design(ICL V4c).Methods This was a prospective study.A total of 102 patients(102 eyes)who underwent ICL V4c implantation in the refractive department of Wuhan Bright Eye Hospital from September 2021 to December 2021 were collected and randomly divided into two groups:mydria-sis group(48 eyes)an…查看全部>>
430000 武汉,武汉普瑞眼科医院430000 武汉,武汉普瑞眼科医院430000 武汉,武汉普瑞眼科医院430000 武汉,武汉普瑞眼科医院430000 武汉,武汉普瑞眼科医院430000 武汉,武汉普瑞眼科医院
Phakic refractive lensMydriasisMiosisIntraocular pressure
《临床眼科杂志》 2024 (4)